You may have seen these from a month or so ago, but either way, please keep them in mind as you scroll down and take our first ever poll: "What do you call these jihadis?"And don't forget to click here on our bonus link where you can pinpoint the location of all of the mosques & madrassas jihadi terror academies in your very own neighborhood.
Salami Allergic, baby...
News report from Bayerischer Rundfunk links "Hitler, The Mufti Of Jerusalem And Modern Islamo Nazism."English subtitles start after 0:30 seconds in this 5:00 minute video.
Click here for more excellent anti-dhimmie videos.
Hat tip for the photo and more to Danegerus.
Officials:US Blocked Missile Shipment To Hezbollah
Officials:US Blocked Missile Shipment To Hezbollah [Clinton admin refused to block transfer in mid 1990's]
Link to "Report Friday August 18th, 2006 / 14h49"NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- The U.S. last month blocked an Iranian cargo plane from flying to Syria after intelligence analysts believed it was carrying sophisticated missiles and launchers to resupply Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, USA Today reported Friday, citing two U.S. intelligence officials.Source/details of C-802 that was used to attack Israeli Naval vessel.
U.S. diplomats persuaded Turkey and Iraq to deny the plane permission to cross their territory to Damascus, a transfer point for arms to Hezbollah, the officials said, according to the report.
The newspaper said the Iraq and Turkish governments would not discuss the incident. Iran's United Nations mission denied trying to send Hezbollah weapons.
According to the report, a source tipped off U.S. intelligence about an imminent shipment of missiles from Iran to Hezbollah. The sources said a spy satellite photographed Iranian crews loading three missile launchers and eight crates, each normally used to carry a Chinese-designed C-802 Noor missile, aboard a transport plane at Mehrabad air base near Tehran.
The plane was denied permission to fly through Iraqi airspace by Iraqi air traffic controllers, and Turkish controllers granted permission - but only if the plane would land for an inspection.
The report said the plane returned to Tehran, where the military cargo was unloaded.
Without a doubt, however, the July 14 near-catastrophic attack against the modern and stealthy Israeli corvette Hanit would not have been possible without the C-802//Noor anti-ship missile, the means to produce which were sold by China to Iran in the mid-1990s.
The transfer should have triggered U.S. sanctions of the PRC under the 1992 Gore-McCain Act (Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act), but was ignored by the Clinton-Gore administration -- despite testimony from former U.S. Navy 5th Fleet commander Admiral Redd, echoed by Stateís Deputy Assistant Secretary Einhorn, that the missiles presented "a 360-degree threat" to U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf, and House Resolution 105-304 (October 6, 1997) "Urging the Executive branch to take action regarding the acquisition by Iran of C-802 cruise missiles."[1]
Andrew Young: "First it was Jews, then it was Koreans and now it's Arabs"
Andrew Young quits Walmart Board after racist remarkIn an interview, Young was asked whether he was concerned that Wal-Mart causes smaller, mom-and-pop stores to close.Where's the MSM screaming
``Well, I think they should; they ran the 'mom and pop' stores out of my neighborhood,'' the paper quoted Young as saying. ``But you see, those are the people who have been overcharging us, selling us stale bread and bad meat and wilted vegetables. And they sold out and moved to Florida. I think they've ripped off our communities enough. First it was Jews, then it was Koreans and now it's Arabs; very few black people own these stores.''
The Times August 18, 2006UN force put in doubt as French reveal militia fear
From Charles Bremner in Paris
PLANS for a 15,000-strong United Nations force in Lebanon were cast into doubt yesterday when France demanded guarantees that Hezbollah forces would first be disarmed and Germany said it would not send combat troops.[ as did War Criminal Nasrallah, to whom Koffi promised fresh Euro human shields for hezbos to hide behind when firing at Israel]
President Chirac’s office announced that France would add immediately 200 troops to its contingent of 200 serving with the existing UN force in south Lebanon (Unifil), which France commands.......The statement, after a telephone conversation between M Chirac and Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General, dismayed UN officials, who had hoped for a much larger contribution...
... France has offered to command the UN force that will join 15,000 Lebanese troops in the Shia-dominated zone. French forces were expected to provide its backbone....
Oxymoron of the year!8/16/06
The chattering classes are complaining about President Bush's use of the phrase "islamo-fascism."
Instead of arguing about the differences between Bin Laden "concept of califate" vs. Mussolini and classical Fascism, lets look at two brief but important points:a/ This is the generic definition of fascism:
fas·cism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fshzm)
n. often Fascism
1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government. Oppressive, dictatorial control.
Sounds like "extremist islam" to me... But lets keep in mind that:
b/ Mein Kampf is a best-seller throughout the muslim world,
So if "islamo-fascism" doesn't work for you, I would posit that
c/ President Bush has made major strides from telling us that "islam is a hijacked religion of peace", and also that if anyone has a problem with the phrase "islami-fascism", lets consider calling the jihadis ISLAMO-NAZIS.
And lets always remember that it's
"Bonus": click palie propaganda video of 12 year old girls extolling "martydom". (More video here.
The Real Gutter Religion
Bottle and baby used as bombA husband and wife arrested in the British terror raids allegedly planned to take their six-month-old baby on a mid-air suicide mission.
Scotland Yard police are quizzing Abdula Ahmed Ali, 25, and his 23-year-old wife Cossor over suspicions they were to use their baby's bottle to hide a liquid bomb.
The theory is one of the reasons security chiefs are now insisting mothers taste babies' milk at check-in desks before allowing them to take bottles aboard flights.
full story at The Daily Telegraph ^ | August 13, 2006 | Fiona Hudson
And since "they" describe Israel as "the Zionist entity," in the spirit of fair play we humbly offer this collection of brief and accurate descriptors of the 13-century-old-death-cult-masquerading-as-a-major religion" (all culled from the web):
"Ropma" (religion of peace my *ss).
"Religion of perpetual rage."
"Islam. The "if you don't tell, we won't hack your head off" religion."
When a 'moderate muslim' is smiling at you,
it's because you remind him of Danny Pearl.
How can you tell the difference between a moderate muslim
and an islamic fundamentalist?
The moderate is holding a REMOTE detonator.
Radical Fundamentalist Islam Is A Death Cult:
Captions: CBS' Mike Wallace gets on his knees to Amadinjad
You can be excused if you didn't feel like throwing up your Sunday dinner listening to Mike Wallace grovel to Amamadman last night. If you don't believe Wallace was making up for not interviewing Hitler, you can see for yourself here.
Italian hamas-loving commie
is shipped home to mommy
(local sand-nazi mistakes him for a Jew,
stabs him in the back and kills him.
Angelo Frammartino, a 24 year-old student from Italy who arrived in Israel as a human rights organization activist, was stabbed to death Thursday by an Arab knifeman.
I never dreamt of condemning the resistance, the blood of the Vietnamese, the blood of nations under colonial occupation, or the blood of Palestinian youths from the first intifada," he said.
Jihad Love On Your Tee-Vee: Is NBC Looking To Scoop a Muslim Bombing At a NASCAR Event?
It started with Michelle Malkin exposing a Univ. of Tennessee islamic student leader, Tarek EL-Messidi, trolling for bait for Dateline NBC to "expose""... anti-Muslim and anti-Arab discrimination in the USA. They are looking for some Muslim male candidates for their show who would be willing to go to non-Muslim gatherings and see if they attract any discriminatory comments or actions while being filmed...Aside from the insanity exhibited by Dateline NBC even considering this project (as some Freepers have noted, if NBC had any integrity, they would film an overtly Jewish or Christian NBC staffer (if there are any) walking into some muslim event, and see how long they get to keep their head), we note that not only is Tarek still soliciting bodies for NBC, but judging by other quotes attributed to him, NBC and NASCAR could be looking at an "explosive" news event.
Tarek continues in his email:
... I'm urgently looking for someone who can be filmed this April 1st weekend at a Nascar event (and other smaller events) in Virginia. NBC is willing to fly in someone and cover their weekend expenses..."
Back in the spring of 2001, NBC's future freelance provocateur Tarek EL-Messidi was reported to have said that
...we as Muslims are in a 'jihad' because we are struggling against oppression for our Lord." His powerful speech got much praise and applause, alhamdulillah (All praise be to Allah.[At the above link, do a find on the page on "jihad", or just scroll past the letter from Tarek's synchophant "in solidarity" prof; you can almost see the scimitar at his throat, as he grovels on his dhimmie knees to give Tarek a good grade. - Editor]
And in what is "humorously" described as a "slip of the tongue", our intrepid little organizer has linked love of death with his deity:
"True love is fana' fillah not fana fi woman".L'havdil (forgive the comparison), many of us are familiar with the concept of immersing one's self in love of G-d; Jewish (and other) readers are also cognizant of "accepting the yoke of Heaven." But subsuming one's ego is one thing; destroying all around you is another.
Tarek EL-Messidi expounding on the nature of true love.
(trans. 'true love is annihilation in God not annihilation in woman")
Perhaps we have simply exposed another aspect of the death-cult, where islamic-style "love" is the connection between self-annihilation and "martyrdom".
(Like the proverbial tree falling in a forest, if they went off and did it amongst themselves, it wouldn't be an issue).
Does NBC simply want to scoop a homicide bombing at a NASCAR event? Or are they aware they are pushing a potentially unstable jihadist to the edge?
Given the islamic propensity for blowing people up, letting a self-professed and self-destructive jihadist recruit "victims" for a sports event with a hundred thousand spectators seems a little callous.
Even for NBC.
Contagious Mental Illness
Finally Identified in Israel:
The diagnoses can be confirmed wherever you find schmucks who fantasize in the following fashion: if they can get other Jews to give up their homes, then the arabs will let them keep theirs.
Think we're kidding? Here's something smart that finally comes out of Harvard. Scroll down below the graphic for confirmation from a Harvard Clinical Psychiatrist.
We'll all find out how contagious it is when we get the Israeli election results today.
Harvard Prof. of Psychiatry Labels Oslo Supporters Delusional"
Dr. Kenneth Levin, author of The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of People Under Siege, terms "delusional" the behavior of Israeli population segments that supported the Oslo Accords.
In an interview with Tovia Singer on IsraelNationalRadio, Dr. Levin claims that as a result of their desire for the Arab siege on Israel to end, many Israelis conditioned themselves to believe that a potential partner for peace existed in the Palestinian Authority, when the reality pointed only to the continued escalation of violence and terror.
Dr. Levin, an instructor of clinical psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a Princeton-trained historian, has blended the two disciplines in his extensive writings on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
“It is characteristic of people under siege or chronic attack - whether you’re talking about minorities that are marginalized, defamed and attacked or a small state under attack by larger neighbors - it is characteristic of portions of those populations to embrace the indictments, however bizarre, and to believe that if they perform in a way consistent with those indictments, then the siege will end,” Dr. Levin stated.
Levin compared the psychological delusions that led up to the Oslo Accords to those created by abused children desperate to end their suffering. (rest of article here").
Pigs are flying and it's snowing in hell: Jewpoint gives a Yasher Koach to Prof. Dershowitz.
Astute (and patient) JewPoint readers will recall that we excoriated Prof. D. 2 years ago for whining about being attacked and for being called a nazi by leftists and pro-jihadis, especially because "It was irrelevant to these chanters that I also support a Palestinian state, the end of the Israeli occupation and the dismantling of most of the settlements.
Earlier this week, when we wrote about the Harvard jihadists in the School of Govt that".... (*Many others have already noted that the authors' "research" is mirrored on the thousands of rabid Jew- hating and jihad-supporting websites scattered all over the WWW)."...Who knew that Prof. D would be doing the heavy lifting?
Here's hoping that he eventually makes the connection between "saving Israel by destroying the settlements" and the plans of the sand-nazis and their over-educated allies in academia.
Harvard's Paper on IsraelFull story in the NY Sun can be found by clicking here.
Drew From Neo-Nazi Sites
Staff Reporter of the Sun
March 24, 2006
WASHINGTON - A prominent Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz, is alleging that the authors of a Harvard Kennedy School paper about the "Israel lobby," one of which is the Kennedy School's academic dean, culled sections of the paper from neo-Nazi and other anti-Israel hate Web sites.
"What we're discovering first of all is that the quotes that they use are not only wrenched out of context, but they are the common quotes that appear on hate sites," Mr. Dershowitz, who is identified in the paper as part of the "lobby," told The New York Sun yesterday.
"The wrenching out of context is done by the hate sites,and then [the authors] cite them to the original sources, in order to disguise the fact that they've gotten them from hate sites."
Yasher Koach, Prof. Dershowitz.
New Mideast Analysis by Osama's Men at Harvard!
"The Israel Lobby"
"Too many Joos! We blame them for everything!"by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt
in the London Review of Books Vol. 28 No. 6 dated 23 March 2006
Not to be outdone by Yale admitting a high-ranking and unrepentant Taliban who excused jihadi execution of women kneeling in soccer fields by claiming "...There were also executions in Texas...", Harvard now unleashes both barrels at the Jews. Jews who love America, Jews who don't want to see Israel destroyed, and even Jews who keep giving heavily to Harvard's endowment fund.
This piece by two advocates of the limiting of American aid to (and ultimately, aiming for the destruction of) Israel can be summed up and rebutted quite briefly.
The authors never address a central question: which would benefit America more: Israel looking increasingly like her Arab neighbors, or the reverse?
Their failure to ask that question before they began their regurgitation* of years of pro--baathist, pro-leftist, anti-Christian, and anti-Jewish jeremiads reveals them to be either so intellectually shallow and/or blinded by their hatred of all things American and Christian and Jewish, that they prefer that Israel be destroyed and replaced by the muslim dictators found in almost all of the surrounding Arab "nations".
(*Many others have already noted that the authors' "research" is mirrored on the thousands of rabid Jew- hating and jihad-supporting websites scattered all over the WWW).
Looking at one of the authors "credits", we also note that:
Stephen Walt is the Robert and Renee Belfer Professor of International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. His most recent book is Taming American Power: The Global Response to US Primacy.Not only does Professor Walt believe that America shouldn't be a global leader, but it seems he believes that the U.S. needs to be "tamed." In other words, he would prefer that other nations dominate the global stage; he is probably very upset with America's disgust with a UN Human Rights Council that has been led by such stalwarts of freedom such as Syria, Lybia and the Sudan.
So when Professor Walt and his co-author write that support for Israel is not in America's interest, we have to ask, when did he or his partner ever have America's best interests at heart?
Finally, these two geniuses from Harvard neglect to inform their readers exactly what benefits would accrue to America should we withdraw our support from Israel.
One obvious result of a reduction of American support would be to force Israel into an even deeper war economy to fight for her survival, with the concomitant reduction in Israeli research that has lead to major benefits for America, including the co-development of Intel and Motorola chips, along with the invention of instant messenger software used in computers and cell phones, technologies in use in not only in America but also used in most of the world's computers.
America (and the world) could also forget about the thousands of drug patents developed in Israel. I am sure that the authors believe that these could all be developed by the Arab world...
There is also the likely scenario that without American pressure on the common enemies faced by Israel and the U.S., the Israelis would conclude that their only safe option after further Arab attacks would be to conduct wholesale bombing on and inflict massive destruction of their enemies infrastructure (read "oil production" & "the Suez Canal").
One can only speculate, but possibly the authors privately support this as a method of Arab population control.
Finally, the authors neglect the entire issue of worldwide Islamic-fundamentalism and its multi-century (and koran-sanctioned) method and pattern of "accepting" surrender of infidels on the battlefield:
Without exception, for over thirteen centuries, any and every Islamic victory has always led to and would lead to new and further attacks on Islam's next target.
Islamo-fascist terror is spreading around the globe. If these two professors are not the paid agents of same, they certainly deserve the accolades of those who desire to spread Sharia and further Islamic-generated destruction.
As for the rest of us, we can only promise to never hire any Harvard graduate who has not publicly spoken out against these two shills for Osama Bin Laden.