Always tip your Shabbos goy well at the Dime-a-Dance: Powell's Manage a Quatre, aka Le Ballet "Road-Kill Juif."
In a 01/08/03 article focussing on U.S. aid to Israel, Barry Schweid writes:
.... "Israel probably would receive additional aid if it reached a settlement with the Palestinians,. .."
What planet is THIS guy on? Is this indicative of how stupid Israelis are, or how stupid Americans THINK Israelis are? Under Ehud Slimfast Barak, Israel never got a dime for simultaneously running from (thus insuring Syria and Hezbollah's takeover of) Lebanon, despite promises from Clinton et al.
Which part of "no money down, ha-ha, sorry no money later" doesn't Israel get?
Schwied continues on the schnide with "... but the Bush administration agreed last year to put its mediation on hold until after Israel's elections."
Either this author is deaf and stupid, or his State Department plant thinks we are: According to President Bush, U.S.-led mediation is off till ARAFAT is OUT...
Oh, but we forgot Powell's Manage a Quatre, aka Le Ballet "Road-Kill Juif."
How ironic that then-General Powell nancy-boyed out of Iraq because he couldn't outflank the LW media on the Kuwait City - Baghdad Highway of death, and now he's determined to turn ISRAEL into a turkey shoot with a return to indefensible 1967 borders.
The lesson for today's Jew?
Always tip your Shabbos goy never know when he could grow up to be the Secretary of State of the U.S. AND the Playtoy of the Arab world.