
Times Cries Nile-Croc Tears As "Glenn-Beckesque" Muslim Blames The Jews For Muslim Brotherhood

Military Rulers Fixed Presidential Vote to Install Islamist, ‘Egypt’s Glenn Beck’ Says

”Mr. Okasha also wove in the accusation that the Obama administration had pressured the military council to make Mr. Morsi president, as part of an elaborate plot to seize Egyptian oil fields and turn them over to Israel."

Proof positive that even the smartest "anti-left / anti islamic" muslim is a still a conspiracy nut who would blame the Jews for everything, from islamic indigestion to broken air conditioning.

Long-time Jewpoint readers know that Obama DID invite and then push the Muslim Brotherhood into power, and that he and Hillary Clinton, the Caliphate's Concubine been working with Arafat's godson Malley in the ICG since 2008.

But the only thing Obama would turn over to Israel is the back of his shoe. 

[click image to expand]
Barack Hussein Obama been anti-Israel since he was "baptized" by the Hamas-loving "Rev." Wright, through his friendship with Rashid Khalidi, the apologist for fakistinian terrorists, since he made his first-ever international call from the WH to Abbas, and since he stood in a back hallway of the White House and tried (and failed) to intimidate Bibi.

[click image to expand]

Hopefully the Egyptian military can hang on till January when Obama is finally gone, and then  if Egypt still wants U.S. aid, Romney can tell Morsi how high to jump.... better that than watching Obama bow down to another jihadi leader.

PS: Muslim Brotherhood stooge / Egyptian President=elect Morsi says he wants the Blind Sheik released? How about we give him a twofer, throw in the Sheik's attorney Lynn Stewart, and delver them both in matching "I Love NY" body-bags?

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The Comment That Pro-"palestine" CBS-NY Probably Won't Print.

SeeBS NY (sic) is running an article about
"An explosive ad about Israel [that] is now igniting a firestorm of controversy. The display shows shrinking Palestinian territory in Israel over the years and refers to 4.7 million Palestinians there as refugees. The ads are appearing in 50 Metro-North stations.
The ads, of course, are nothing but lies.

It is the so-called "palestinian" authority and hamas whose own National Charters STILL call for the elimination of ALL of Israel.

This is a better map that honest, anti-terrorAmericans should print out at home or work and then paste on top of those pro-jihad, pro-terror ads:

And as the arabs themselves have repeatedly admitted, there is no "palestinian people":
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese.

Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.”

From PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, March 31, 1977
There are 22 muslim nations surrounding Israel in the "arab world" with over 5 million square miles of land and over 340,000,000 people, more than 95% of them muslim.

Israel has only 10,700 square miles of land, including Judea and Samaria, for 7.8 million people, 80% of them Jewish.

Israel is the ONLY Jewish State in the world. There are FIFTY SEVEN MUSLIM CONTROLLED nations in the world, and Jew-haters like the creators of these ads would cut up half of Israel today to create another muslim "nation", whose sole purpose would be to exterminate the entire Jewish state, and then eventually the Jewish people.

There is plenty of vacant current Arab land for the so-called "palestinians" in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia etc, but their fellow arabs have refused them entry since 1948, while in the same time period, Israel has welcomed more than 800,000 Jews who were kicked out the surrounding muslim nations, where the Jews had lived for centuries before the nightmare of islam was even born.

Israel is for the Jews. Get over it.

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WIll Ø Tap Muslim Congressman ("Sharia 4 U.S. Schools!") To Replace Biden?

WIll Ø Tap Muslim Congressman ("Sharia 4 U.S. Schools!") To Replace Biden?

Any trouble viewing the above video (like if it offers to cut off your silly infidel head...), watch it here:

Muslim Congressman: U.S. Schools Should Be Modeled After Madrassas.

That is DEMOCRAT Congressman, Andre Carson (did we mention he is a DEMOCRAT?) from the great state of Indiana.

We think Democrat Congressman Carson, PBUH, should replace Democrat Joe Biden as Democrat Barack Hussein Obama's running mate, don't you?

That way Democrat Pres. Øbowmao can wear his uniform, without feeling.... awkward...

Let us know how you feel.

(Hat tip to Yonatan for the great pic).

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"You're too critical of Obama..."

...Not nice, shouldn't be so disrespectful..."

Really? Where were you from 2000-2008 when untold numbers of death threats were being made against Pres. Bush?

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