
Brief Holiday Message to Visitors

To our Jewish visitors: Happy New Year, G'mar Tov and  easy fast.

And to all our guests, May G-d Bless ALL who defend America and defend Israel, on the front lines, or on-line.

And now, without further adieu, the best Yom Kippur apology:


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Hillary Clinton's Holy War: Why is She Squeezing Israel?

HRC: "Inshallah, Barack, there's aren't 
ten Democrats who care how we're slicing up Israel."

Hillary Clinton doesn't want you to read this page. And she definitely doesn't want you to bookmark it for 2012, or send the links to your family, friends or associates.


Because right now Hillary Clinton is busy running around trying to arm-twist Israel into ignoring 500 rocket attacks since January 2009. Rocket attacks that now include phosphorous in their warheads.

And she is ignoring (and hoping we'll ignore) that Abbas has said virtually nothing about them (well, why should he, he can't do anything about them if he wanted to, and his best friend Barack Hussein Obama isn't talking about them either).

Meanwhile, Hillary, George "I know Lebanon!" Mitchell and Obama keep pressuring Bibi to continue the freeze on new Jewish homes, all for their new best Arab friend, Mohammed Mentum.  (Mo' Mentum, for short).

Phosphorous rockets and Mo' Mentum aside, as far as Hillary is concerned, the Arabs simply need Judenrein Lebensraum, and the greedy Jews should just settle for the pre-1967 Auschwitz borders.

But why is Hillary in such a rush, and why is she so intent on cutting up Israel now?

Because she wants to leave the State Department and be ready to run in 2012.

And what better way for Hillary to grab back the (sadly) few Jewish Democrat voters Obama has lost with his Submission Accomplished - kiss-up to the muslims than by being able to crow "Look, I made pieces of dead Jews, I mean I made peace in the mideast, even my stupid husband couldn't do it!"

One little problem. Even with (or dare we say with the assistance of?) the hundreds of millions of our tax dollars that she and Obama have spent creating a full-blown, solely-Arabic-focused embassy in "Palestinian" Jeruslaem, and for all her "work" as a Senator to "end incitement", everyone in Israel (and every American who reads the internet and watches the brief video excerpt below) now knows that
"The Palestinian Authority has publicly labeled Jewish worship at the Western Wall to be “sin and filth” in a television program broadcast in Arabic on Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year.
The documentary was broadcast in Arabic on Fatah's PA TV, run by the faction headed by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, and it was translated by the PA media watchdog organization, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) 

The brief excerpt above is simply another example (added to the hundreds of sermons recorded at mosques calling Jews "monkeys and pigs") and a reminder that IT IS A RELIGIOUS WAR.

It IS about Islam trying to destroy Judaism. It's not "just about land", or the "so-called poor oppressed Arabs", it's a Holy War.

Say it, don't be afraid of anyone hearing you:


it's a "Holy War" the same way most of the MSM says "the holy koran", or "holy ramadan". IT'S THE HOLY ISLAMIC WAR ON NON-MUSLIMS that has been going on for 13 centuries.

Bottom line, according to the muslims (and their lame-stream-media shills angling for their jihad passes), if you racist infidels ain't muslim, YOU AIN'T HOLY.

While we're on it, "Holy War" explains where we get that lovely canard "Islam means peace."

"Islam" in the "holy" arabic really translates as "submission". But you keep hearing "peace" because according to their holy koran, REAL peace will come only when the whole world submits to Islam.

Which brings us back to Hillary and why she's rushing to make Israel submit to a peace process.

Hillary knows that having Americans grumble about Holy War doesn't fit in her current narrative, nor in her post-State department political plans.

Hillary doesn't want you to bookmark or forward the links to this page and to that video, because she needs to keep fooling Jewish (and all) voters in the same way that she and her husband did years ago.
What a crass world this has become. At least back then, she and Bill sent us a card when they scr*wed us.

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Israeli News Network: Hamas Using Phosphorous In Latest Rocket Attacks In Western Negev

IDF experts who examined some of the mortar shells fired at Israeli communities on Wednesday found that the explosives used contained phosphorous. The finding shows that Hamas has gained more advanced weapons technology, they said.

Phosphorous would make any wounds resulting from a terrorist rocket attack more severe, as the substance burns on impact and can cause serious injury or death. It is forbidden for use as a weapon in civilian areas by international law.

Gaza terrorists fired one rocket and nine mortar shells at Israeli civilian communities in the western Negev on Wednesday. Senior Hamas terrorist Ahmed Jabri released a statement calling to continue the attacks “until victory.” (Rest at link above).
Meanwhile, U.S. Ambassador to Palestine Hillary Clinton and President Barack Hussein Øbama are silent on the subject, saving their breath to condemn any Jew who needs to build a home ON JEWISH LAND.

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GOOD NEWS: Jihad Mosque @ GZ Developer Being Evicted From His Office

Sharif El-Gamal, Developer Of Ground Zero Mosque, Evicted From Soho Office For Racking Up Back Rent. 
BY JAMES FANELLI  DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITERS Wednesday, September 15th 2010, 
Sharif el-Gamal, developer of the mosque near Ground Zero, is being evicted from his office in SoHo for racking up $39,000 in back rent.
The developer of the Ground Zero mosque is being bounced from his SoHo office, the Daily News has learned.
Sharif El-Gamal, who runs the real estate firm Soho Properties and is heading the project two blocks from Ground Zero, was slapped with eviction proceedings last month after tallying up $39,000 in back rent, a Manhattan Housing Court filing shows. (rest of story at link above).
Between this and his jihadi buddy "Imam Rauf" being sued for being a slumlord in NJ, perhaps we can stop this atrocity from going forward.

I am not a real estate maven, but it seems to me that Con Ed could use these developments as deal-breakers to not pass over their lease of the adjoining property to the developers.

Also, any investors evil enough to back these jihadi jackals with their money would also be wary of the having a bright light shined on them, starting with failure to perform due-diligence before investing.

Chime in if you knowledgeable on this subject.

More Good News: "Imam" For Jihad Victory Mosque @ GZ Sued For Being A Slumlord

Feisal Abdul Rauf, religious leader behind proposed Ground Zero mosque, is hit with building-code lawsuit in Jersey - NYPOST.com
The religious leader behind the proposed mosque near Ground Zero has been slapped with a lawsuit in Union City, NJ, where officials have accused him of ignoring dozens of violations at two rundown apartment buildings he owns.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's buildings, with a total of 48 apartments, have been the targets of more than 30 health and safety complaints, among them mold, uncollected garbage, bedbugs, odors, dirty hallways and a lack of heat, the lawsuit says...
..."He's a terrible landlord who's unresponsive to the residents who live in his building," Mark Albiez, a spokesman for Union City Mayor Brian Stack, told The Star-Ledger of New Jersey, which first reported the lawsuit... (rest at link above)
 "He's a terrible human being who's unresponsive to the to the millions of New Yorkers who are demanding he stop desecrating the memory of almost 3000 New Yorkers who were crushed or incinerated by his co-religionists."

/ fixed it.

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Blast From The Past: Photo of Media Whores For Jihad

(Click image to enlarge)

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Three Things About Islam [that you probably didn't know]

Almost one and half million people have seen this video. Have you? Think you understand Islam?

After Fitna, by Geert Wilders, this could be the most important movie you watch AND that you pass on to your friends and family.

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Islam Means Peace, & If You Disagree We'll Kill You

TN mosque opposition spawns death threats
"A greater Nashville resident and outspoken opponent of the construction of a Murfreesboro mega-mosque in Tennessee has received two death threats after an appearance on the comedy program The Daily Show.

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, founder and president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, is a staunch pro-Israel supporter. She says she received two threatening phone calls after appearing on the popular comedy cable program and expressing opposition to the mosque's proposed expansion.

"[The caller said] 'Allahu akbar' [Arabic for 'god is great'] -- and he said, 'We are coming after you. You cannot stop us," she explains.
Nothing to see here folks, just another Israel–supporting Christian speaking out against a mosque and getting threatened with death.

She must be a bigot...

Meanwhile, "progressive" (aka socialist) "Jews" LOOOOOVVVVE the mosque, as this very interesting NYC blog reveals in accurate detail:
"The other rally, supporting Park51, was organized by a coalition of anti-war and socialist groups, but drew unaffiliated individuals and some Muslims as well...

...Mike Bloomberg is in good company indeed-and the rally in support of the GZM today was more of the same, with the knee jerk left wing crank Arthur Waskow right in the forefront of the action: "A group of Jewish activists and community leaders voiced their support for a planned mosque near ground zero and said opponents, including the nation's leading Jewish civil rights group, are perpetuating misunderstandings about Islam. 
Rabbi Arthur Waskow, of the Philadelphia-based Shalom Center, joined about 30 other religious leaders and Jewish activists Thursday at the spot where the Cordoba Initiative hopes to build an Islamic center that will include a mosque, an athletic center, a culinary school and art studios. Waskow says the mosque will help people learn more about Islam."
Wow, we almost forgot how important it is to "learn more about Islam" from a a BooJoo Rabbi...

Sunni suicide bombers targeting Shia pilgrims in Pakistan during Islam's holiest month helped make this a Ramadan to remember.

"In all, the Religion of Peace racked up over a thousand dead bodies across twenty-two countries!"

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DAILY CHUTZPAH: Lame Stream Media's Fave Muslim Calls Us "Bigots".

Jon Stewart's and Meet The Press' B.U.M. (Best Useful Muslim) Reza Aslan says: If You’re Painting 1.5 Billion People with the Same Extremist Brush ‘You’re a Bigot’.
[Pew Research Center 2006 poll on] Muslim Views of Jews

The study revealed endemic anti-Jewish sentiment in the Muslim world.

Percentage of Muslims with Unfavorable Views of Jews:
Jordan - 100 percent
Lebanon - 99 percent
Egypt - 98 percent
Morocco - 88 percent
Indonesia - 76 percent
Pakistan - 74 percent
Turkey - 60 percent
So between 60 and 100 % of muslims around the world hate the Jews, and 4-54% (thats over 750 million)"have confidence in Bin Laden", but those of us who simply don't want a 9/11 Jihad Victory Mosque built near the graves of victims of jihad are "bigots".

I wonder if Persian "moderate" Aslan (who has called Israel "apartheid" despite that fact that muslims are in the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), and once described Netanyahu as dangerous as Hamas, has ever read his own "holy" quaran, or even knows that it has been translated into English?
Does the Qur'an really contain dozens of verses promoting violence?

Summary Answer:
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

These verses are mostly open-ended, meaning that the historical context is not embedded within the surrounding text - as are nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence. They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subjective as anything else in the Qur'an.
Congratulation, Medialite and Jon Stewart, You've Won a Jihad Pass!"

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