Report: Israel Told US 'No Attack until Early Fall israelnationalnews ^ | 4/10/2012 | Gil Ronen
Israeli newspaper Maariv reported Tuesday that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu refused to commit before U.S. President Barack Obama that Israel would not attack Iran before the U.S. presidential elections.
Netanyahu agreed to wait with an Israeli military move only until the [early] fall season, says the paper on its website, citing American sources. This appears to indicate an attack would take place in October.
The sources also said that Netanyahu agreed, in his meeting with Obama early last month, to give more time to "a dialogue" with Iran, accompanied by harsher sanctions against the Persian state. However, he refused to give his assurance that the Israeli strike would occur after the U.S. November elections.
[emphasis mine, original and rest at link above].
Maybe Bibi can pull off a twofer: take out Iran's nuclear capability and help embarrass Ø enough to help a Republican win in November.
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