
Captions: Condi Rice, naivete

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Barak Hussein Obama warns Israel, woos muslims & dumb dem jinos applaud.

File photo above is originally from the website of former Farrakan organizer & recently sworn-in muslim congressman Keith Ellison-Muhammed.
"Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama said Tuesday that America needs to ask Israel to help change the status quo in its conflict with the Palestinians, the only candidate at a National Jewish Democratic Council conference to suggest that there is any onus on the Jewish state when it comes to making peace with its neighbors...."

..."The [mostly JEWISH] audience applauded his words, which came in response to a question on how firm his backing for Israel was in light of the support he has received throughout his career from the Muslim American community.

Obama said that the premise of the query was "false," as the support he's received from the Jewish community "has been far more significant than any support I've received in the Muslim American community, although I welcome and actively seek support in the Muslim community as well."

"He also noted that he spent some of his childhood overseas in Muslim-dominated Indonesia. There, he learned some of the local vocabulary and customs."

Oh yes, we mustn't forget those Jew-loving Indonesians that Obama learned from.

Here's a free vocabulary lesson for Barack Hussein Obama:
"ALLAH FUBAR, and the donkey you're riding in on!"

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SNL gets Osama Pass: Judaism = Jihad

SNL tries to smack Cheney & Bush, winds up equating Judaism with religion of rage.

In his latest weakly (sic) Bush and America bashing animation, SNL's R. Smigel (presumably with self-loathing SNL producer Lorne Michael Lipowitz' "blessing" (l'havdil)) has "Cheney's robot" flushing the jihadis terror manual into a toilet.

Aside from not having the Scandinavian courage to actually depict flushing the koranus straight to mecca, SNL's ace animator Smigel has the robot also holding and about to flush a Tanakh*...(screen shot from animation below).

Hat tip to HotAir (original video of the clip here).

(*Tanakh is the Hebrew acronym for the complete Jewish writings including the 5 Books of Torah, all of the Prophets, and many other important writings, including Psalms and Proverbs... )

We can only guess what went down in the SNL pre-production meeting:

"Ok, we need to draw in 5 korans, you know, muslim holy books..."

"Not me, man, you do it!"

"Not on my show, don't show the title of the book - I ain't no Daniel Pearl! I want to keep my head!"

"Hey Lorne, what's that book I saw propping up your VCR, that looks like Arabic!"

"No, that's just some old Hebrew thing, upside down, yeah, WTH, both religions are too violent, go ahead and use that."
Nice work, morons. Guess what, they are coming for you right after us.