
Watch Latma (w/ English subtitles) RIPPING the Israeli Left.

Watch Latma's / "Tribal Update" (with English subtitles) terrific journalists interview 'Yariv Googleheimer (!) from Peace Now', as he explains his work for South Africa's boycott of Israeli products.

Stay with it for "Jews United against Israel", a fantastic, professionally produced, Broadway-style ensemble song parody of the Jewish Left.

[Any problem with the embedded video, watch it here.]

Actually "parody" doesn't do it justice. It's absolutely ripping... be sure and watch it.

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The Fakistinians Are In The Olympics.

The Fakistinians are in the Olympics, and CNN can't wait to gush all over them.
Woroud Sawalha knows she won't win a medal at the London Olympics. She isn't likely to get beyond the first round of the 800 meters.
But for the 20-year-old and her three teammates, just competing under the Palestinian flag is a source of pride. 
The appearance itself is controversial: the U.N. does not recognize a Palestinian state but athletes have been allowed to compete under a Palestinian flag by the International Olympic Committee and soccer's ruling body FIFA since 1996 and 1998 respectively.
Could it be the Olympic organizers are afraid the jihadis will blow them up if they aren't allowed in? Bad enough they won't even honor the 11 Jewish Olympic athletes murdered 40 years ago by Ms. Sawalha's kinsmen in Munich:
...the International Olympic Committee decided again to avoid making a choice that is as politically fraught as it is morally right: [they have refused] To honor the Israeli victims of the terrorist attacks at the Munich Olympics 40 years ago in the opening ceremonies in London...
...After the 1972 terrorist attack, the Olympics were suspended for a day, and a memorial service was held. The Olympic flag was flown at half-staff, but 10 Arab countries objected and the IOC cowed to their demands and raised the flags.
If you don't feel like clicking on the original link, take our word for it that along with the boringly standard  CNN bushwah about her earnest commitment to representing blah-blah-blah, the lovely terrorist-track-star-in-training will be competing in "traditional" muslim garb (the better to hide the bomb vest, we presume).

In the spirit of cooperation, we have decided to help design more suitable track-garb for her....

[click image to enlarge]

Jewpoint readers are encouraged to submit links of their own improvements on the design, and we'll post the best!

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Maybe It's Time To Say Kaddish For Ronald Reagan...

On The Anniversary Of His Death, Watch Ronald Reagan Warn Us About Obama 40 yrs Ago [massive hat tip Daily Rushbo].

[Any problem with the video below, watch it at the link above.]

Your humble editor started moving to the Right in Yiddishkeit and politics during the Reagan years. It's absolutely scary how this 5 minute speech (interspersed with Obama excerpts) so completely nails the decision that we in America must make this fall.

Miss this one at your own peril (and fail to forward it at all of ours...).
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