
Romney Pulled Pranks in High-School (While Øbama Was Busy Smoking Pot And Learning To Hate America).

While the Washington Post is busy investigating and distorting Romney's high-school background, they failed in 2008 and are failing now to note that Obama in his youth was an admitted dog-eating, coke–snorting, pot–smoking, womanizing, koran-prayer-memorizing weirdo, who barely anyone he went to school with remembers that he even existed.

And what did Øbama grow up to be?

An egotistical, thin-skinned, destroyer of traditional Judeo-Christian-Western values who has spent the last 4 years doing his best, (along with his merry band of jihad-appeasing, alternate-lifestyle-promoting cadre of Far-Left academics, tax-cheating ex-bankers and brokers) to annihilate what's left of our economy and our national defense, all while promoting wanna-be-gangsta-thugs, and sodomizing our culture.

No thanks, WAPO. We'll take Romney.

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The Catholics Get it; Will We Jews?

Watch "Test of Fire: Election 2012 "

"Not only is this an outrageous violation of one denomination's religious freedom, but it's quite frightening to those of us of other religious denominations," said Rabbi Meir Soloveichik of Yeshiva University.
But I wonder how many of our fellow Jews will realize that along with insisting that Catholics provide abortion on demand to their students and staff, a re-elected Øbama will be just as happy to regulate our Kosher practices (under the guise of a Federal nutrition program), or force our Jewish Day Schools and Yeshivot to hire muslims and provide them halal meals.


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