
Ok, we read our email: Why do some liberals, artists & women approve of Iraq's gulag?

Excerpted from How Many People Has Saddam Killed? By John F. Burns in the January 27, 2003 New York Times.

"Enemies of the state" are eliminated, and their spouses, adult children and even cousins are often tortured and killed along with them...

... The terror is self-compounding, with the state's power reinforced by stories that relatives of the victims pale to tell — of fingernail-extracting, eye-gouging, genital-shocking and bucket-drowning. Secret police rape prisoners' wives and daughters to force confessions and denunciations. There are assassinations, in Iraq and abroad, and, ultimately, the gallows, the firing squads and the pistol shots to the head...

... Casualties from Iraq's gulag are harder to estimate. Accounts collected by Western human rights groups from Iraqi ZmigrZs and defectors have suggested that the number of those who have "disappeared" into the hands of the secret police, never to be heard from again, could be 200,000. As long as Mr. Hussein remains in power, figures like these will be uncheckable, but the huge toll is palpable nonetheless...

... "You have killed me, and killed my family," one minder said after a photographer for The New York Times made unauthorized photographs of an exhibition of statues of the Iraqi dictator during a November visit to Baghdad's College of Fine Arts.
.... More recently, according to Iraqis who fled to Jordan and other neighboring countries, scores of women have been executed under a new twist in a "return to faith" campaign proclaimed by Mr. Hussein. Aimed at bolstering his support across the Islamic world, the campaign led early on to a ban on drinking alcohol in public. Then, some time in the last two years, it widened to include the public killing of accused prostitutes...

... Often, the executions have been carried out by the Fedayeen Saddam, a paramilitary group headed by Mr. Hussein's oldest son, 38-year-old Uday. These men, masked and clad in black, make the women kneel in busy city squares, along crowded sidewalks, or in neighborhood plots, then behead them with swords. The families of some victims have claimed they were innocent of any crime save that of criticizing Mr. Hussein.

Maybe some women artists and liberals can explain their vocal opposition to the liberation of Iraq. Is their hatred for President Bush, America and Israel so strong that they support the rape, mutilation and beheading of women and children?

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