
Al-Qaeda media: Mubarak Planning Exile To Tel-Aviv

Al Sleezera reports:
According to sources in the Egyptian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel is making preparations to welcome Hosni Mubarak into exile after Saudi Arabia rejected overtures.
Complete with a picture of Mubarak mugging with that corrupt, pen-collecting OhMerde who couldn't handle Lebanon when Bush gave him 30 days to clean it up, the comments over there and around the interwebz are going crazy, I tell you, they're going nuts on all the Joo-hating sites.

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Obama and Hillary Helping "Muslim Brotherhood: 'Prepare Egyptians for War With Israel'

Impossible you say? Read on and see how they spent the last 2 years working this game.

First, Hot Air has Obama Green-lighting Muslim Brotherhood participation in Egyptian government, confirming what we reported from the Washington Post last night.

And just today, the Jerusalem Post reports "Muslim Brotherhood: 'Prepare Egyptians for war with Israel':
A leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt told the Arabic-language Iranian news network Al-Alam on Monday that he would like to see the Egyptian people prepare for war against Israel, according to the Hebrew-language business newspaper Calcalist.

Muhammad Ghannem reportedly told Al- Alam that the Suez Canal should be closed immediately, and that the flow of gas from Egypt to Israel should cease “in order to bring about the downfall of the Mubarak regime.” He added that “the people should be prepared for war against Israel,” saying the world should understand that “the Egyptian people are prepared for anything to get rid of this regime.” [more at link]
Ed Morrisey from above at HotAir also reveals that Obama and Hillary deciding to "work" with the Muslim Brotherhood includes using Robert Malley as a outside spokeman for their plans:
“This is different,” said Malley, now with the International Crisis Group. “It has a real political edge and political meaning.”

If the name Robert Malley sounds familiar, it should.

Reuters Using Israeli Press to Blame and Inflame

And of course in using these closing quotes from more narrowly-read Israeli media, Reuters is using Israel to send a message:
Writing in Haaretz, Ari Shavit said Obama had betrayed "a moderate Egyptian president who remained loyal to the United States, promoted stability and encouraged moderation."
To win popular Arab opinion, Obama was risking America's status as a superpower and reliable ally.

"Throughout Asia, Africa and South America, leaders are now looking at what is going on between Washington and Cairo. Everyone grasps the message: "America's word is worthless ... America has lost it."
A win–win for Reuters: They gets to portray Israel as an enemy of Obama and as an obstacle of "freedom" in Egypt, AND Reuters gets the benefit of re-passing on the message to others who either depend on America, and especially those devotees of Reuters propaganda who want to take down those who depend on America:

"America's word is worthless ... America has lost it."
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With Egypt, Ø Is Fulfilling His Islamo-Marxist Dream.

America, Israel and the entire world need to bow down and say "Thank you!" to all who voted in the islamo-marxist, this absolute brilliant idiot who is now going to HAND OVER EGYPT TO THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, the source and original inspiration for Hamas and Al Queda.

From the Washington Compost:

The official said that while the administration was concerned about "some elements" of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood and other non-secular groups participating in the demonstrations, it was "not ruling out their legitimacy" and place in a future government.

President Obama was aware that the Muslim Brotherhood and others were in the audience when he spoke of "a new beginning" in a 2009 speech in Cairo that was directed at the Islamic world, the official said. He cited a passage in the speech in which Obama said that "no system of government can or should be imposed by one nation on any other" and that "America respects the right of all peaceful and law-abiding voices to be heard around the world, even if we disagree with them."
G-d help America and Israel for the next two years until the next U.S. election.

And one can only hope that if these jihadis finally and completely take over Egypt, that the only casualties will be those of Ø's minions still actively working to continue his perfidious mission.

Allah Fubar...

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Captions: Obama On Smacking Israel for Egyptian Crisis.

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Egypt Tottering? Mubarak's Wife & Heir Apparent Reportedly Flee Cairo For London...

Ok, habibi, I get it: "We know he's going, we don't want to admit it out loud, and we will be really freaked if some crazy muslims takes over..."
The wife of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and their son Gamal, considered the successor to his father as president, have fled to London with 97 suitcases after unprecedented massive protests in Egypt, an Arab website reported.
The plane also carried Gamal's daughter, the Akhbar Arab website reported. It also said a Twitter account was blocked to prevent a social network campaign to urge the ousting of Mubarak, who is over 80 and is reportedly is suffering from cancer.
Dozens of Twitter messages have been sent sayng that Mubarak’s wife Suzanne was identified at Heathrow Airport in London, where she and her son and granddaughter arrived in a private jet.
 If this is confirmed, Mubarak is toast. The only questions now are whether the Egyptian Army can hold off the Muslim Brotherhood, and whether Barack–Hussein–Obama–who–bows–to–Saudis–kings will pull a Carter, and usher in the next islamic tyranny, right on Israel's border...

Obama will use this crisis to back the koranustinians at the UN, demanding that Israel stop building homes for Jews in JERUSALEM, and he'll say he did it to "not further inflame the Arab street during a time of instability..."


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Jihadi Airport Bombers To Putin: 'We coming for your 2014 Olympics, bro!'

Six days after Putin's puppet President Medvedev made his first-ever visit to and repledged Russia's support for a new jihadi cancer to be implanted in Israel, Abbas' fellow koranimals from Chechnya blew up the airport outside of Moscow, killing 35 and wounding over 150.

Along with our condolences, and the "surprise... you reap what you sow" factor, astute readers will note that Al-Reuters had an interesting little tidbit in their "reporting":
Islamist rebels [ah, how nice, Al Reuters calls them rebels....] have vowed to take their bombing campaign from the North Caucasus to the Russian heartland in the year before presidential elections, hitting transport and economic targets. They have also leveled threats at the 2014 Winter Olympics, scheduled for the Black Sea resort town of Sochi, a region some militants consider "occupied."
"Wait, I give the iranian jihadis nukes, I been supporting those palischmuckistinians for years, and now not only do their bastard Checheyn cousins blow up my airport, but now they're claiming THE BLACK SEA RESORTS are ISLAMIC? Somebody pour me a Stoly!"

Folks, we've been telling you for 1300 years; it's all about that Dar el Haab and Dar el Salaam crapola. If it ain't under muslim control now, according to the holy koranus, if it was ever visited by some muslims, IT'S GOT TO, GOT TO, GOT TO BE... ISLAMIFIED....

You're ALL OCCUPIERS of the holy islamic space, thats right, THE EARTH, THE MOON, AND MARS, YOUR TOILET, THEY ARE ALL ISLAMIC, so bend over and convert, or give them your purty neck.

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Good news, Rahm Emanuel sent back for more dancing lessons!

He is such an embarrassment as a Jew. And it's also so ridiculous to read about him being "an Israeli agent from the IDF". I am not sure who I am more sick of hearing that from, the paulistinian (sic) Joo-haters, or from the reverse–cracked-mirror-but–shared–psychosis–Øbamunist–wackos.

The only positive act Emanuel ever did for Israel (and by extension, for America) was when he went to Sarel as an ultra-rear-echelon volunteer and did menial work on an IDF base (so real soldiers could go kill jihadis). For that he gets an attaboy.

Otherwise, he has stabbed Israel and America in the back; as former Israeli Vice–Consul Yoram Ettinger has described it,  Rahm went out of his way to create a false and dangerous linkage between America pressuring Iran with Israel surrendering Jerusalem.

And of course for almost everything Rahm ever did for the Clintons and for Øbama,  he earns the 5-putz award.

Just in case you aren't getting the depth of our love for little Rahmie, be sure and see our combined Palin and Rahm–caption,  as well as watch the hysterical video on how Israelis feel about Rahm Emanuel.

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