The New York Times ^ | 11/13/03 | THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN[NOTE: this article below contains excerpts; The NY Times requires registration to read the complete text]
Reading the latest poll from the European Union, which indicates that 59 percent of E.U. citizens now consider Israel the greatest "threat to world peace,".... the following heretical thought comes to mind: The keepers of the Muslim holy places and the keepers of the Jewish holy places really need each other today.
Take two Tums before you read further; Tom ("The Saudi's Water Carrier") suggests that the way to peace is for Israel TO GIVE UP HER HOLY PLACES TO THE SAUDIS...
Israel can't solve the problem of rising anti-Semitism without the help of the Saudi ruling family, and the Saudis can't buy the time they need for gradual political and economic reform at home without the help of Israel. Yes, the House of Saud and the House of Sharon really do need each other. ...
I know, you think Tom is going to suggest Israel help turn the Saudi's deserts green....
Let's start with the House of Saud. What ails the Saudi monarchy is a soaring population; dwindling per-capita oil income; schools that stress religious teachings over science, math and literature; a ruling family with 5,000 useless princes feeding at the trough; and an aging, divided leadership. Together, all this has spawned two grass-roots challenges.
The most obvious is from Osama bin Laden. One could easily do a revisionist history of 9/11 and show how it was simply the opening salvo in an attempted coup within Saudi Arabia ó with the attack on America meant only as a bank shot to undermine one of the main supports of the Saudi ruling family.
Thank G-d for small favors; at least Tom didn't suggest that Israel was responsible for 9/11...
Last week's Riyadh bombing was just the latest episode in this civil war, involving hard-core Islamists out to overthrow the moderate/Westernized/indulgent Saudi elite. The fact that these murderous militants have to kill innocent Saudis to draw attention suggests that they can only create mayhem, not a movement with any mass following.
He's right, only 10% of the world's muslims publicly support Bin Laden... AND THAT'S ONLY 100 MILLION...
But the other challenge is more serious and legitimate. It comes from frustrated, claustrophobic, jobless Saudi youth and a voiceless middle class that resents the excesses of the ruling family...
"The only hope for the Saudi ruling family, for long-term survival, is to deliver on two key sources of legitimacy: a rising standard of living and the Palestine question," argues the Middle East expert Stephen P. Cohen.
Another self-loathing genius heard from: next we will hear that solving the "Palestine question" (btw, anyone know of a country called "Palestine"?) will help the NY Yankees win next year's World Series...
"Improving standards of living requires gradual political and economic reforms to transform the Saudi education system and society ....
... But to buy time for economics, adds Mr. Cohen, the Saudis need to deliver on emotions "by helping to bring about a dignified solution to the Palestine problem, which returns the mosques of Jerusalem to Muslim control. . . .
Returns the mosques of Jerusalem to Muslim control? They are ALREADY UNDER MUSLIM CONTROL; that's where every Friday they sermonize on the big and little satans, and urge their followers on to slaughter Christians and Jews. Oh Tom, help me out here, I forgot where in the Koran it mentions Jerusalem more than once? Could it be in that same section that says the Saudis can disregard previous agreements with the U.S., and leave their F-15's on their border closest to Israel....?
...Some 26 years ago Anwar Sadat responded to the food riots in Egypt by going to Jerusalem to make peace with Israel. In doing so he bought his successor 26 years to deal with Egypt's economic problems."
Hmmm, that sort of ignores the fact that the Egyptians have been "buying time" by arming Fatah et al through the Gaza tunnels for a few decades, to say nothing of still starving their own people while spending billions in U.S. aid modernizing their own armies to the point where they almost pose a threat again to Israel.... Oh, never mind, Egypt rebuilding their military so they can attack Israel again isn't important...
Crown Prince Abdullah needs to forge his own breakthrough for the same reasons." ...
Where the Israelis need the Saudis is in combating the rising tide of anti-Semitism. This new anti-Semitism is a witches' brew of Muslim rage ó nurtured in madrasas and mosques financed by Saudi money ó and classic European hatred fed by a new anti-Israel anti-Semitism. Both are fanned by a European press that increasingly reads like the worst Arab press,...
EUROPEAN PRESS? Tom, you are too modest! You are one of the terrorist world's favorite Jewish journalists! (After Daniel Pearl of course...)
....and abetted by the real images of Israeli settlers seizing Palestinian land and uprooting their olive groves.
Hey Tom, that story was disproved last week; the Arabs (likely with help from International (C)Answer and ISM Trotskyites) cut off the top limbs of those olive trees for a photo-op; and previous orchards were torn down BECAUSE THE ARABS WERE USING THEM AS SNIPER'S NESTS & JUMPING-OFF POINTS TO ATTACK JEWS... but we shouldn't let the facts get in the way of your collecting a check from your Saudi backers....
The way to reduce these fires ó which will only worsen with the growth of Muslim populations in Europe ó is by forging a solution to the Palestine issue along the lines of the Clinton plan.
Ah yes, the Clinton plan; the plan from the man, the man with the triple legacy of meeting more with Monica than with his CIA directors, having Arafat in the WH more than any other foreign leader and doing NOTHING TO GET BIN LADEN.
Yes, the Clinton plan that would have carved up Israel and given Arafat half of Jerusalem, AND THAT STILL WASN'T ENOUGH FOR THEM. In other words, Tom, you want to bring back a plan they already rejected. Talk about stalling for time, Tom. Why don't you just tell your Arab friends to bring back the Hudna! They just need more time to re-arm!
Nothing would do more to extinguish this new anti-Semitism than an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal ó followed by Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah, the custodian of Mecca and Medina, carrying out his promise to normalize relations with Israel once such an accord is reached.
Tom, you must be on drugs. The Saudi initiated Roadkill / Roadcrap that you ferried to the Arabists at the U.S. State department is almost over; maybe you haven't heard, but the Arabs' karma just ran over their dogma!
Unfortunately, right now both the House of Saud and the House of Sharon prefer to buy time by relying on police rather than political initiatives. In the long run, this won't work. Both need to take on their Wahhabis: the Muslim Wahhabi extremists who are choking Saudi Arabia's future and the Jewish Wahhabi settlers who are doing the same to Israel.
"Jewish Wahhabi settlers"... I am sure that Tom is proud of that phrase... and it's very likely that if you google that phrase in a few weeks it will show up in hundreds if not thousands of pro-terror, anti-Israel and anti-American websites. How much longer before Tom completely joins the euro-trash left and calls us Jewish Nazis, and endorses, h"v, shooting down the "Brooklyn Settlers?"
Time to take out the trash. To call Tom Friedman a complete moron is to do a disservice to the mentally handicapped. With articles like these he is a danger to Israel AND America. Someone in Congress needs to inquire if Tom is a registered agent of the Saudis.
If anyone still has the hardcopy, please tell me what company's ad(s) ran next to this op-ed? They need to be informed that we don't buy products from companies that help Tom peddle the Saudi line... If we tell them loudly enough, maybe Tom will move back to Mecca where he is more comfortable.
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