
Rahm Emanuel kneels to muslims (that was fast)

Rahm Wastes No Time Kissing Arab Tuchis, (throws his father under the bus).

Emanuel 'sorry' for dad's Arab remarks
US President-elect Barack Obama's White House chief of staff apologized to the Arab-American community on Thursday for remarks his Israeli-born father made to Ma'ariv.

"Abba, sheket bavakasha...."
("Dad, shut up please...")
Last week, Benjamin Emanuel talked about his son Rahm Emanuel's new job and told the Israeli daily that "obviously he'll influence the president to be pro-Israel. Why wouldn't he? What is he, an Arab? He's not going to be mopping floors at the White House."
I guess the arguments have been settled, we don't have to worry about Rahmmie being too supportive of Israel. But what is he thinking when he davens (prays) and bentches (says Grace after meals) and he gets to the sections on Yerushalyim? "Dear G-d, and restore us HALF of Jerusalem, and don't let the behemmot (beasts) be too angry with us!?"

Too bad he doesn't have a pair like his father; when CAIR complained he could have just called out for coffee.


Reason # 5,389 that Fislam Is The Real Gutter "Religion":

Egyptian Lawyer Nagla Al-Imam Suggests Arab Men Should Sexually Harass Israeli Women and Declares: Leave the Land So We Won't Rape You

No comments can do justice to the insanity coming from this woman's mouth. Keep your eyes and ears open for some peace-morons and their leftist friends to first "analyse and understand muslim frustration," and in the end encourage rape against Jewish women.

G-d willing someone has a sharp response.

Obama "fires", then rehires and sends Arafat's' motek (sweetheart) to the middle east.

Obama just sent Robert Malley (who the Obama campaign earlier "fired" for his contacts with Hamas) to Syria and Egypt to boost contacts - see below for context and history on Malley (Malley was Clinton's contact w/ arafat even though Malley and his parents were pals with arafat).

One of Barack Obama's Middle East policy advisers disclosed yesterday that he had held meetings with the militant Palestinian group Hamas - prompting the likely Democratic nominee to sever all links with him....

Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for Mr Obama, responded swiftly: "Rob Malley has, like hundreds of other experts, provided informal advice to the campaign in the past.

He has no formal role in the campaign and he will not play any role in the future."
But only one day after 78% of American "Jews" voted for Barack Hussein Obama:
November 05, 2008: Presidential-elect Barack Obama has promised to improve U.S. relations with Egypt and Syria. 

Aides said Obama had sent senior foreign policy adviser Robert Malley to Egypt and Syria over the last few weeks to outline the Democratic candidate's policy on the Middle East.

The aides said Malley, * who served in the administration of President Bill Clinton, relayed a pledge from Obama that the United States would seek to enhance relations with Cairo as well as reconcile with Damascus.

"The tenor of the messages was that the Obama administration would take into greater account Egyptian and Syrian interests," an aide said.

Now who and what is Robert Malley and why should we care?

Robert Malley: arafat's motek.
... He is perhaps most well known for a controversial series of articles in 2001 blaming Israel and exonerating Arafat for the failure of the Clinton peace efforts.

... Robert Malley grew up in France, where his Egyptian-born father, Simon Malley, and New York raised mother, Barbara (Silverstein) Malley, were radical publishers of a controversial magazine about Africa and the so-called Third World.

Malley's parents were rabidly anti-Israel and counted Yasir Arafat as a personal friend. Indeed, Arafat was among those "leaders" (for want of a better word) who intervened with the French government to readmit the Malley family to France after they had been expelled for their radical activities.

* ... while in the Clinton administration Malley dealt directly with Palestinian matters, and with Yasir Arafat himself, despite having a huge and hidden conflict of interest: close ties between his family and Yasir Arafat....

...The world in which Robert Malley grew up was one in which Yasir Arafat, Fidel Castro, Leonid Brezhnev and Todor Zhivkov were heroes, any American leader - even Jimmy Carter! - was villainous, and Israeli leaders were veritable demons.

....Robert Malley wrote about this world, at least to some extent, in his book The Call from Algeria: Third Worldism, revolution and the turn to Islam, and in no way did he denounce or renounce it....
Never forget how so many American jinos screamed that  "Obama's history with the far–left and Jew–haters doesn't matter; it's all about Palin's wardrobe and the fact that she would rather kill a moose than abort babies!"



April 16, 2008 / On Sunday, Aaron Klein and John Batchelor interviewed Ahmed Yousef, chief political adviser to the Prime Minister of Hamas, on WABC radio. The interview produced a scoop which, for some reason, has not been widely publicized: Hamas has endorsed Barack Obama for President. Yousef said, "We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election." Why? "He has a vision to change America." Maybe Yousef has some insight into what Obama means by all these vague references to "change."

Of course, Hamas's taste in American presidents is suspect. Yousef also described Jimmy Carter, who was about to pay a call on Hamas when the interview was taped, as "this noble man" who "did an excellent job as President."

Yousef was asked about Obama's condemnation of Carter's visit with Hamas, but didn't seem troubled by it. Hamas, he says, understands American politics; this is the election season, and everyone wants to sound like a friend of Israel. Nevertheless, he hopes that the Democrats will change American policies when they take office.
"Palesitinians" in Hamas–occupied Gaza cold–call Americans, to urge them to vote for Barack Hussein Obama.

A Vote for Obama Is A Vote Against Israel


Obama's Anti-Israel Islamic Pals by Sammy Benoit, Published: 10/31/08, 3:11 AM
Khalidi is just one of many.
The controversy surrounding Senator Barack Obama's friendship with Rashid Khalidi, and the tape being suppressed by the Los Angeles Times,

SEE "Allies of Palestinians see a friend in Barack Obama"

is overshadowing the important fact that Khalidi is just one of many Israel-hating Islamic characters that Obama has allied himself with.

For example, these people are connected directly to his Senate office or campaign:

Cynthia K. Miller, treasurer of his Senate campaign, is a member of a member of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam.

Jennifer Mason, Obama's Director of Constituent Services, is also a member of the Nation of Islam.

Other Nation of Islam members, including consultant Shakir Muhammad, held important roles in the Obama state Senate campaign.

BONUS: The Jewish Case Against Barack Obama