Revealed: Recent U.S.-Iran nuclear talks involved key officials –(UPDATED)EXCERPTED: Over the past year, our [] sources confirmed, former Defense Secretary William Perry and a group of high-level U.S. nuclear nonproliferation specialists and U.S. experts on Iran held a series of meetings in European cities with Iranian officials under the auspices of the Pugwash group. (Pugwash, a group founded in 1957 by an international group of scientists, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995 for advocating for the elimination of nuclear weapons.) Perry served as a member of the Obama campaign's national security working group....Wait for it, it gets even better...
Another source informed about the Pugwash dialogue said it was spearheaded by Pugwash's General Secretary Paolo Cotta Ramassino, and consisted of four meetings over the past year, including an August meeting in The Hague and a two-day December meeting, the last one, in Vienna.Before they take it down, here is a photo of this sponsor of Obama's PRE–ELECTION, backchannel (illegal?) talks with Iran, sitting down with the inventor of modern day terrorism, Yasser Arafat, followed by his "sympathy" note to the PA on learning of the arch–terrorist's death.

(Text of note is below. Bold = JP comment).
"Mr. Rawhi Fattouh"Please extend my deepest condolences to his family as well.... And be sure and let Suha know I deserve some of those billions she and Yasser stole, since I met him twice and supported him always.."
The Palestinian Authority
Dear Mr. Fattouh,
As Secretary General of Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, I would like to express to the Palestinian Authority my deepest condolences at the passing of President Yasser Arafat. I had met him personally on two occasions in Ramallah, and I was deeply impressed by his humanity, commitment to finding a [final] solution, concern for a difficult situation, and his desire to reach the outside world, especially considering the limitations imposed on him.
The last time we spoke we had talked about the Geneva Peace Plan, and he was very supportive of it. We all share a desire to find a just solution. Please extend my deepest condolences to his family as well.
Paolo Cotta-Ramusino
Secretary General"
Finally here is Obama policy–meeting sponsor Paolo's very recent joint statement with some other peace–poobah from last month, not only repeating the traditional leftists' whining about collateral damage (and of course not ONE mention of thousands of rockets launched by Hamas nor anything about their firing from behind women and children), but this appeaser of jihad actually demands that more money and recognition be given to Hamas, because they "won" their election... (just like Hitler and Stalin, one vote, one candidate, one time)...
Hat tip to Battalion of Deborah and WND.
And of course, thanks again, American jinos, for voting for the Obomination, and against America's and Israel's security. Because of your efforts, we can look forward to finding more enemies of America and Israel advising Barack Hussein Obama, our new
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