
Obambi Has Time For Pirates But Not Bibi.

From The Hill:
Wednesday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, a day when pirate wanna-bes everywhere can add some "arrr"s to their dialogue.
It seems that not only does the president understands the appeal of the pirate life, he occasionally invites the mateys into his office. Obama's Twitter account released a photo of Obama deep in conversation with a flamboyant pirate character.
Our modest contribution to his scheduling issues follows:
[click to enlarge]
It should be noted in ØbowMao™'s defense that he really is too busy to meet with Bibi to discuss the nuclear crises with Iran, because he has had to make time to do a $40k/plate fundraiser with Jay Z & Beyonce,  go on the David Letterman Show (where he couldn't remember the current national debt), and plan for a meeting next week with Mursi, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood that he and Hillary Abedin installed in Egypt.

Presumably Obamugabe and Mursi can discuss how we taxpayers in America can help fund those billion dollar German subs that Egypt needs to feed it's people...

The phrase "keel-hauling" comes to mind.

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