Trust In G-d, But Tell President Bush His Roadmap Leads To Hell.
When your children and your grandchildren ask what you did to help save Israel, what will you tell them? When they read how most American Jews kept quiet during the Holocaust, and then ask did you speak up when the Arabist U.S. State Department convinced Pres. Bush to put the squeeze on Israel, what will you tell them? That you emailed the White House?
The White House doesn't read the emails; they only count the letters, the faxes and the phone calls. Take any and all of the text and/or pictures from below and write, fax and call the White House, Congress and the Republican National Committee today.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
COMMENTS: 202-456-1111
SWITCHBOARD: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
TTY/TDD Phone Numbers (for the Hearing Impaired Only)
202-456-6213 Comment Line
Republican National Committee
310 First Street, SE
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Bush thinks American Jewish machers back his plan.
But since when do the liberal Bronfmans and the ultraleftists at Peace-Morons Now stand for the safety and security of Israel? (While we are wringing our hands, these leftists have
mounted a concerted letter-writing effort to contact Congress and the White House telling them that Jews like you are stupid enough to believe there is a dire need for YET ANOTHER NEW ARAB TERROR STATE.

While the leftwing media swoons over their Protocolesque Jewish/neocon/cabal fantasy in the White House, Bush listens to Colin "The Saudi's are our friends" Powell.
Powell, who so resents us from when he was a little Shabbos Goy that the first person he acknowledged at the last AIPAC dinner was Socialist International wunderkind and Koffi Annan-buddy Shimon Peres, Peres, who can't jump fast enough to trade Jewish lives for Israeli-Arab votes. While we sit on our tuches', Powell is hinting to Bush and Karl Rove that "most Jews won't vote for you no matter how you do it, so lets keep the Saudis happy while we make up our minds how to deal with Iran; remember we have to turn Iran around without destroying their infrastructure so that this time the Russians can get paid; then Putin will stop fighting our access to the gas lines in the Caucasus... so, Mr. President, the only way this is going to happen is if we appease the Muslims..."

A November nightmare for President Bush?
While JewPoint and many other American Jews prefer to hope that President Bush does win reelection because he is the best hope for America, by squeezing Israel he can screw it up not only for himself but for also for America.
President Bush, does the phrase "blowback" ring any bells? Those who can remember our support for the Afghan mujahedeen to defeat the Russians in Afghanistan ("a necessary evil...") should ask Karl Rove how your administration will explain it when this "Palestinian" state they are so excited about is allowed to purchase weapons as a sovereign nation, and when they can issue passports so their "student pilots" can come here for "take-off only school." Are you willing to gamble they will only "fly" to Tel Aviv? Mr. President, your mission is to protect Israel in order to protect America.
Mr. President, you're not a lock in 2004. A further declining economy and G-d forbid, one of your staffers gets caught in a scandal and you are going to need every vote you can get; especially those of Republican Jews, both religious and secular (and the disaffected Democratic Jewish voters who we have all heard confessing they were glad Gore lost).
We know you value loyalty, President Bush, and we have stuck with you while we were blamed for 9/11, and while you played kissy-face with CAIR and other supporters of Hamas and Islamic Jihad even as they and the Puchananites joined forces with the PLO flag-carrying leftists and blamed us for the liberation of Iraq.

But now when we dare argue over White House policy with Israel, we are told to "get back in line."
We have no more need to stay "in line" than the millions of American backers of the 2nd Amendment who are pressuring you on the Assault Weapons Ban. Or the millions of Christians who are concerned with your position on abortion and homosexuality.
President Bush, "he who is merciful to the cruel winds up being cruel to the merciful":
STOP PRESSURING ISRAEL; no more concessions without total elimination of Hamas, Hesballah and Fatah.
It was and should be those of us Jews who understand, along with Tom DeLay, Dick Armey, Newt Gingrich, Donald Rumsfeld et al that ISRAEL'S SECURITY is what guarantees America's!
But after you said no new Arab leadership with bloody hands, you had Powell stuff Abbas down our throats, the same Abbas who financed the Munich Olympic attacks and NEVER RENOUNCED the PLO's phased plan for the destruction of Israel.
Mr. President, you have said that Israel's security as America's ally was paramount; but now you send Powell to cut Jerusalem in half and force Israel back to the pre 1967 Auschwitz lines which members of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff have said are indefensible and will only lead to the destruction of Israel.
Mr. President, maybe you have enough support banked for 2004 that you don't care if Republican Jews sit out the election. But what about the million Jewish Democrats who since 9/11 have been quietly whispering "thank G-d Bush won, Gore would have surrendered America ALONG with Israel..." You think you can get them to secretly pull the Republican lever in 2004 when, G-d forbid, Jewish blood is flowing in the streets as your mideast-peace-at-any-price-to-Israel-legacy comes aborning with an AK in one hand and a homicide belt in the other? Has Powell lied to you and told you that Fatah et al will be pacified in time for your next election?
Mr President, we respect you for turning away from Arafat, we respect you for the strength and dignity you have brought to the Oval Office, we are grateful to you for destroying Saddam Hussein, enemy of America and Israel, but Mr. President, IN THE WEEK THAT COLIN POWELL VISITED Israel, there were a homicide bombing in Tel Aviv 50 yards from the U.S. Consulate, 2 road killings of Israelis by members of Fatah controlled by your "new" Prime Minister, 3 al Queda attacks in Saudi Arabia, and 3 bombings in Pakistan.
Mr. President, there is a pattern here: when you reward terrorists, THEY GIVE YOU MORE TERRORISM.
Mr. President, while you are arm-twisting PM. Sharon to bend over to Russia, the EU and the UN (all such big allies of the U.S.), your own State Department representative William Burns was meeting with ultra-leftwing terrorist supporting groups telling them how to destroy the alliance between Christian and Jewish supporters of the Republican party.
Mr. President, there is a pattern here: even as you rightfully led the destruction of a major terror, your ENEMIES have hoodwinked you into the creation of ANOTHER full blown state sponsor of terrorism.
Mr. President, please tell us why we have a need for another artificially created ARAB STATE whose population danced with joy on 9/11?
Mr. President, we humbly submit that America can now do what it wants to bring democracy and free markets to Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran WITHOUT insuring the destruction of Israel, America's ONLY consistent ally.
Mr. President, we applaud your efforts to help bring peace to the Middle East, not only for it's benefits to Israel, but most assuredly for it's benefit to the U.S.
But could you please explain to the American people, given all the above, as America rightfully finishes destroying the terrorist regime of Saddam Hussein, why is your administration so eagerly pressing forward to create ANOTHER TERRORIST REGIME in the bosom of America's strongest ally in the Middle East?
REMEMBER: The White House and Congress don't read emails; they only count the letters, the faxes and the phone calls. And take a moment to write PM Sharon and his cabinet, and tell them to hold fast, and not cave in to the those who would harm Israel. Contact numbers for the Israeli Government can be found by clicking here
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
The White House Phone Numbers
COMMENTS: 202-456-1111
SWITCHBOARD: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
TTY/TDD Phone Numbers (for the Hearing Impaired Only)
202-456-6213 Comment Line
Republican National Committee
310 First Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Phone: 202.863.8500
Fax: 202.863.8820
General Information:,,
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