ROPMA Daniel Pearl Redux: Houston / Saudi Muslim man becomes religious, takes Koran literally and decapitates former Jewish "friend."
Saudi pleads guilty to killing Jewish friend in Houston
Houston Chronicle ^ | Jan. 12, 2004, | ANDREW TILGHMAN
A Saudi Arabian national who slashed a Jewish friend's throat after apparently undergoing a religious reawakening has pleaded guilty to murder rather than face trial.
Mohammed Ali Alayed, 23, faces up to 60 years in prison for the Aug. 6 attack in which Ariel Sellouk was almost decapitated with a knife.

Although Alayed went to a local mosque after the slaying and no clear motive was established, Houston police said they could not find any evidence that Sellouk, also 23, was killed because of his race or religion...
Maybe the Houston PD needs to READ THE KORAN:
"When you meet the unbelievers in jihad [holy war], chop off their heads. And when you have brought them low, bind your prisoners rigorously. Then set them free or take ransom from them until the war is ended." (Koran, 47:40)
... Sellouk, a Moroccan Jew who settled in Houston in 1982, said his son became friends with Alayed a few years ago. He said Alayed underwent "a religious experience" about two years ago, became a devout Muslim and broke off contact with Ariel.
On the day of the slaying, Sellouk said, Alayed called his son and suggested they get together. The two had drinks at a bar before going to Alayed's apartment about midnight.
Alayed's roommate told police the two were not arguing before Sellouk was killed.
Isn't THAT nice... at least the Jew wasn't ARGUING before the Muslim killed him.
"Murder them and treat them harshly" (Koran 9:123)
There's no "hate" crime here... keep moving along folks, he was only Jewish...
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