
Summarizing The Ryan-Biden VP Debate

RNC Video: Biden Laughing At The Issues

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Video: "Absolutely Uncertain"

Two million views and counting. Watch it and forward the link before you vote.

[Any difficulty watching the above video, see it on youtube here.]
"A new, 18-minute mini-documentary follows the journey of Irina, a 23-year-old liberal, Jewish New Yorker who voted for Obama in 2008. Yet as her connection to Israel has grown, and she has learned more about the President's policies across the Middle East and towards Israel in particular, Irina has come to realize that "when the chips are down," the President may not "have Israel's back" as he says. 
The short film features:
Exclusive interviews with leading journalists and politicians in Israel (Bloomberg, London Times, Jerusalem Post, etc.)  
Mainstream news reports (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, BBC, etc.),  
Clips from longtime Democratic supporters including: Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY)"
 Courtesy of RightChange.com

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The Empty Podium...Romney Eats Obama's Lunch.

EDITED October 4, 2012; video and additional "photos" of and comments about the debate.

A video of excerpts, some comments, and "captions" about the debate.

Watch one minute and forty seconds of Romney belting it out of the park, as Obama stands there and smirks:

"It is that, you, we — we own this country.
We — we own it. It is not you owning it, and not politicians owning it. Politicians are employees of ours.

And — so — they are just going to come around and beg for votes every few years. It is the same old deal. But I just think it is important that you realize , that you’re the best in the world. 

Whether you are a Democrat or Republican or whether you’re libertarian or whatever, you are the best. 

And we should not ever forget that. And when somebody does not do the job, we got to let them go."

-Clint Eastwood at the RNC, Oct. 30 2012.

From the interwebs...

[click image to enlarge]

Mitt Romney had one of the best and most destructive lines I have ever heard in a debate:  when he compared Obama talking to things his five sons would say when they were small children and tried to get him to believe their lies.  This was wonderful.  I’ve never seen a grown man humiliated this way before…being compared to small children and not being able to give any sort of retort because it was totally accurate.  Romney did this after Obama kept insisting that Romney would raise taxes by $5 trillion or some nonsense.  Romney kept saying that Obama was wrong and told him to stop repeating that.  Obama wouldn’t, so Romney had to finally tell him that just because he keeps saying something doesn’t make it true…and then Romney said, “you know, I raised five boys and they’d often keep saying something until they thought I’d believe it and it never worked”.  Obama put his head down after that and didn’t try that $5 trillion thing again.  Romney totally scolded Obama and Obama had no retort for it.  It. Was. Epic

In our opinion, Romney appeared to be looking at Obama with a father's pity, when he realized what a public spanking Obama was taking.

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Did Jpost just throw Romney under a bus... AGAIN

The original title is Did Bibi Just Throw Romney Under The Bus, by a partisan hack named Douglas Bloomfield.

Click there if you want to give hits to the fake zionists, but here's the gist of the article, left as a comment:

Bloomfield is a partisan hack who has spun this for Obama.

If Bibi endorses Romney, Bloomfield calls him a meddler, if he doesn't then he "sees the writing on the wall".

What wall, the wall of the insane asylum Bloomfield lives in?

"He [Romney] went to England and insulted the Brits by telling them he didn’t think they were ready for the Olympics"
And the next day they admitted security was weak and added THOUSANDS MORE TROOPS.
" and then to Israel where he snubbed the Israeli opposition leaders"
Who are working for Obama's re-election, like Bloomfield.
" and the Palestinian president and said the Palestinians’ economy was weaker than Israel’s because they’re culturally inferior."

Who would have thought the vaunted Jerusalem Post would be so in the tank for ØbowMao™. 

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Obambi Has Time For Pirates But Not Bibi.

From The Hill:
Wednesday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, a day when pirate wanna-bes everywhere can add some "arrr"s to their dialogue.
It seems that not only does the president understands the appeal of the pirate life, he occasionally invites the mateys into his office. Obama's Twitter account released a photo of Obama deep in conversation with a flamboyant pirate character.
Our modest contribution to his scheduling issues follows:
[click to enlarge]
It should be noted in ØbowMao™'s defense that he really is too busy to meet with Bibi to discuss the nuclear crises with Iran, because he has had to make time to do a $40k/plate fundraiser with Jay Z & Beyonce,  go on the David Letterman Show (where he couldn't remember the current national debt), and plan for a meeting next week with Mursi, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood that he and Hillary Abedin installed in Egypt.

Presumably Obamugabe and Mursi can discuss how we taxpayers in America can help fund those billion dollar German subs that Egypt needs to feed it's people...

The phrase "keel-hauling" comes to mind.

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53 Seconds that Should End a Presidency

Hat tip to American Thinker for linking to Gary Bauer's video page.

Winning comment:

"And we were meant to be embarrassed by Clint Eastwood's "Old Man" schtick?"

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Gail Collins @ The NY Mujahadeen Times: "Mitt’s Major Meltdown".

We have, surprise, more Clymeresque activity at the NY Times.

Gail Collins, who it appears may be considering wearing a burka in her future, tries a weak impersonation of a concern troll:
"Mitt Romney broke our deal.
Perhaps he didn’t know he’d made it, although, really, I thought it was pretty clear.

He could do anything he wanted during this campaign as long as he sent out signals that once he got in the White House he was not likely to be truly crazy.

We, in return, were going to be able to continue with our normal sleeping patterns through the fall.

It didn’t seem to be a lot to ask, but when the crisis in the Middle East flared up, Romney turned out to have no restraining inner core. All the uneasy feelings you got when he went to London and dissed the Olympic organizers can now come into full bloom."
You see, in Gail Collins bizzaro-world, Mitt is crazy for calling out Obama and Hillary for leaving the American Embassy in Benghazi unprotected on 9/11, and then for criticizing them for apologizing to crazed Al Queda flag-waving jihadis who just burned down our embassy and slaughtered our Ambassador like a goat.
According to Gail Collins, THESE SCUM deserve an apology because they were "instigated" by a 14 minute amateur video that describes (accurately I might add) the nightmare that was the founding of islam.
Collins tries to blow more smoke at Mitt but she truly displays her ignorance when she writes "It isn’t clear how the movie, the protests in Egypt and the murders of four American diplomats in Libya fit together."
It isn't clear to you, Gail? 
What rock have you been living under, Ms. Collins? Try READING THE KORAN.
Try reading the 1300+ year history of islam that includes muslim armies reaching the gates of Vienna, and vying for total control of the Mediterranean for over half a millennia, including their attacks on America's nascent Navy and Merchant Marine a few short years after America's founding. Try reading about the Battle of Lepanto, and the Siege of Malta.
Try remembering the news of the last few years, Gail; imams and Al Queda terror leaders working together to take any perceived slight, from cartoons on out, using social media to whip their crowds into a murderous fervor (the same crowds and the same social media that Hillary and Malley used to depose Mubarak without first setting up legitimate civilian AND CIVILIZED groups to take over), millions of islamic rioters riled right up to attack America, Israel, Denmark, etc. 

One of Gail's dreamy-eyed, fellow Obama acolytes asks in the comments "What is his [Romney's] plan to assist the new democracies of the Arab Spring?"
WHAT "DEMOCRACIES"? WHAT "SPRING"? It's an Arab WINTER, and if Obama doesn't stop spending more energy slapping at Bibi than he does not pretending to care about Iran's centrifuges, it's going to be an Arab NUCLEAR WINTER.
Obama, Hillary, the Abedins and Robert Malley installed the muslim brotherhood in Egypt, and Obama is about to give the muslim brotherhood BILLIONS in American aid and debt  so Egypt can use it to buy German subs, all while our dear friends the Egyptians are doing business with the Chinese, who will soon get a good look at all that military hardware we have been selling Egypt all these years.

Wow, you put a Clinton in the mix and the Chinese wind up with our top-secret military technology; how could that ever happen?!
Gail Collins and her ilk are not just uninformed, they are delusional. They are so entranced with using islam to destroy the traditional Judeo-Christian West (that they jointly hate with such fervor) that they ignore the imperialist history of islam, a history that repeatedly guarantees annihilation of the useful-infidels like Collins once the jihadis get done with the Christians, Jews, Buddhist and Hindus, and yes, with the Republicans.
Leftists like Gail Collins have hitched their wagon to a 1300+ year-old, theo-political nightmare that always has been and always will be in a state of perpetual war with everyone not muslim.
Romney gets it right; Obama and Hillary have caused this mess, and they are further wrecking it by apologizing for some 4th rate film, that, by the way, is accurate in it's depiction of the mohamicidal nightmare that is islam, and in it's 4th grade production values, which mimic the quality of life in islamic "nations".
PS - Someone needs to tell Gail that Romney was so "wrong" in his comments regarding the security arrangements for the London Olympics, that only days after his interview, the U.K. MOD added thousands more troops to security duty.
You're forgiven for not knowing that, Gail, as it was never reported in the Times, lickspittle for Obama as it be.

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Palin on Murder of U.S. Ambassador: 'If Obama Doesn’t Have a “Big Stick” to Carry, Maybe It’s Time for Him to Grow One'

"Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin moments ago offered her opinion of President Obama's lack of response to Tuesday's attacks on the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt, and our consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
[file photo]
"Apparently President Obama can’t see Egypt and Libya from his house," began Palin [on her Facebook page].
"...The embassy actually apologized to the violent mob attacking us, and it even went so far as to chastise those who use free speech to 'hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.'”
"...But our nation’s security should be of utmost importance to our Commander-in-chief," Palin continued. 
"America can’t afford any more 'leading from behind' in such a dangerous world. We already know that President Obama likes to 'speak softly' to our enemies. If he doesn’t have a 'big stick' to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one."
Hat Tip, Newbusters.

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Never Forget 9/11

"dedicated to the men, women and children
who lost their lives; those brave people who gave their lives
and the heroes that responded to the emergency 
on September 11, 2001."

[click image to enlarge]


Hillary: Let the Jews Eat Iranian Ka-Ka While We Dine On Caviar and Wine

[Click image to enlarge]

While Israel is busy passing out gas masks and re-sealing their bomb shelters, as the feckless IAEA releases more statements about their meetings with Iran saying they need time for more meetings, Bibi's government claims Israel is discussing Red Lines with the U.S., all while "U.S. ‘Not Setting Deadlines’ for Iran, Clinton Says"

So whats the real important news coming from the Clinton-For-President 2016 Secretary of Satan's (sic) office today?

...US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has signed up 80 celebrity chefs from across the nation to cook special themed-menus for foreign dignitaries in an attempt to influence diplomatic relations, the Daily Mail reported... 
"The new Diplomatic Culinary Partnership is part of Clinton's philosophy of using 'every diplomatic tool at our disposal," US Chief of Protocol Capricia Penavic Marshall was quoted as saying by the paper.
"By incorporating elements of our visitor's culture, we can demonstrate respect and a desire to connect and engage," explained Marshal..."Even if we don't understand what we're saying across the table from each other, we understand how happy we are when we're sitting down together," he said. 
While we'd like to reach way back and tie this to the "I don't bake cookies" kerfluffle when Hillary was First Lady, and her main duties included swapping spit with Suha Arafat 

while silently listening to her blood libels against Jews, we think this alimentary announcement is really Hillary-Abedin diplo-code for a mash-note to Putin:  
"Dear Vladimir: If you think Obama could promise being more flexible with you after he's re-elected, if you will donate now to my campaign for 2016, I will have my chefs cook some blini for you, and I can guarantee that America will forever kiss your ass."

Cue The Turtle's "Happy Together"...

HRC: "Vlad, I heard you stole earned almost 
Care to have a real friend in the White House?"

Putin: "As long as you stay out of my way while 
I help the Iranians nuke Israel, no problem!"

HRC: "Screw the Jews? You've got a deal!"

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Election Editorial Cartoons

[Click images to enlarge]

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Celebrate "National Empty Chair Day"!

Stand with Clint Eastwood and show your support for his half-Hamlet, half Harvey-esque bit at the Republican National Convention last week.

Here's our humble contribution:


You can see more great photos here on Facebook, here on Twitter, and at Gateway Pundit, and you can add your own at Twitter, with hashtag #emptychairday (be sure and tweet to us @EditorJP).

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Obama: Baby Killer (Audio of Obama Arguing Against Born Alive legislation in IL State Senate).

Audio below: 

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Classy Obama Surrogate Madeline Albright: "Blame Bush Forever."

Reported first at Revealing Politics:
Obama surrogate and Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright has finally revealed when they’ll stop blaming current conditions on Former President Bush. Never. At a campaign rally in Highlands Ranch, Colorado last week Albright told an anecdote: “All of a sudden this man gets up and says, ‘How long are you people going to blame the previous administration?’ and I said, ‘Forever.

We guess Madeline has a short memory:
"Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face. And it's a threat against which we must and will stand firm." -Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998
If you doubt the veracity of that quote, as Chico Marx said in Duck Soup: "Well, who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?", here'sssss Madeline! 

(and Bill, Hillary, Al, John, etc... And you can ignore the image of Joe Biden at the beginning; Obama and the media are ignoring him every day!):

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Big Questions For "Big Christian! / Lover Of America! / Defender of Israel!" President Barak Allah Fubar Ramabombadan.

[White House Propaganda Secretary]
J. Carny Barker Refuses To Identify Capital Of Israel Twice In White House Press Briefing.

 ["Pump up the volume"; the White House Press Corpse (sic) speaks softly (and usually carries no stick)].

Not such a big surprise, although at least the Bush administration tried to appear sheepish when they repeatedly invoked "the waiver" on Congress' demand to move the U.S. Consulate to and recognize Jerusalem as the [ETERNAL AND HOLY] capital of Israel.

But more importantly, if we tie this to "Big Christian! / Lover Of America! / Defender of Israel!" President Barak Allah Fubar Ramabombadan™ and his muslim concubine/fundraiser Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's installation of the muslim brotherhood in Egypt, as well as to Egypt's newly "elected" muslim brotherhood "president" subsequently and promptly vowing to free Abdul Rachman, the so-called "blind sheik" who is serving life in prison for trying to blow up the WTC in 1993, well, as they say, 'tings start to get interesting...

The Hillary-led State Department along with"Big Christian! / Lover Of America! / Defender of Israel!" President Barak Allah Fubar Ramabombadan's™ other muslim concubine Homeland Security Chief Janet Incompitano recently and personally approved a visit by a known Egyptian terrorist, Hani Nour Eldin, "a member of the Gama’a al-Islamiyya, or Islamic Group, which has been designated by the State Department as a foreign terrorist organization."

And of course, nobody knew nothin' when that sand-nazi also demanded we free Abdul Rachman.

Which leads to the very well put question in this video interrogatory for "Big Christian! / Lover Of America! / Defender of Israel!" President Barak Allah Fubar Ramabombadan™ :

"Whose Side Is He On?"
[Hat Tip to Weasel Zippers and to Menachem for forwarding the link to a great, succinct video].

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[click image to enlarge]
Adam Kredo at The Washington Free Beacon seems to have scooped this story: Hillary Clinton, our erstwhile Secretary of State / midwife to the Arab Winter stood in the press conference like a day-dreaming lummox, as Egypt's new Foreign Minister linked continuation of their peace treaty with Israel to the so-called "palestinians" getting half of Israel and all of Jerusalem.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was silent as a senior Egyptian official stated during a joint press conference that his country would only uphold its peace treaty with Israel if the Jewish state returns to its 1967 borders and gives Palestinians control over portions of Jerusalem.
The quote above from the Egyptian FM is direct from the U.S. State Department.

Perhaps along with our caption contest below, astute JewPoint readers can guess what she said "off-mike".

 [click image to enlarge]

Download and send us back the above image filled in with your own caption, or just email your suggested text to us at jewpoint@hotmail.com. We'll post the best submissions and credit you as you wish.

Of course one can't blame Hillary for standing mute when Egypt's FM announced that the treaty is basically revoked, especially after yesterday, when she was heckled and blasted with tomatoes and shouts of "Monica, Monica!" while visiting Alexandria. 

Despite CNN's naive protests to the contrary, it seems some Egyptians know what we all do, that Hillary and Obama simply pimped out Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Now, the would-be Queen of the Caliphate is on to Israel. 

Bibi beware.

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Times Cries Nile-Croc Tears As "Glenn-Beckesque" Muslim Blames The Jews For Muslim Brotherhood

Military Rulers Fixed Presidential Vote to Install Islamist, ‘Egypt’s Glenn Beck’ Says

”Mr. Okasha also wove in the accusation that the Obama administration had pressured the military council to make Mr. Morsi president, as part of an elaborate plot to seize Egyptian oil fields and turn them over to Israel."

Proof positive that even the smartest "anti-left / anti islamic" muslim is a still a conspiracy nut who would blame the Jews for everything, from islamic indigestion to broken air conditioning.

Long-time Jewpoint readers know that Obama DID invite and then push the Muslim Brotherhood into power, and that he and Hillary Clinton, the Caliphate's Concubine been working with Arafat's godson Malley in the ICG since 2008.

But the only thing Obama would turn over to Israel is the back of his shoe. 

[click image to expand]
Barack Hussein Obama been anti-Israel since he was "baptized" by the Hamas-loving "Rev." Wright, through his friendship with Rashid Khalidi, the apologist for fakistinian terrorists, since he made his first-ever international call from the WH to Abbas, and since he stood in a back hallway of the White House and tried (and failed) to intimidate Bibi.

[click image to expand]

Hopefully the Egyptian military can hang on till January when Obama is finally gone, and then  if Egypt still wants U.S. aid, Romney can tell Morsi how high to jump.... better that than watching Obama bow down to another jihadi leader.

PS: Muslim Brotherhood stooge / Egyptian President=elect Morsi says he wants the Blind Sheik released? How about we give him a twofer, throw in the Sheik's attorney Lynn Stewart, and delver them both in matching "I Love NY" body-bags?

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The Comment That Pro-"palestine" CBS-NY Probably Won't Print.

SeeBS NY (sic) is running an article about
"An explosive ad about Israel [that] is now igniting a firestorm of controversy. The display shows shrinking Palestinian territory in Israel over the years and refers to 4.7 million Palestinians there as refugees. The ads are appearing in 50 Metro-North stations.
The ads, of course, are nothing but lies.

It is the so-called "palestinian" authority and hamas whose own National Charters STILL call for the elimination of ALL of Israel.

This is a better map that honest, anti-terrorAmericans should print out at home or work and then paste on top of those pro-jihad, pro-terror ads:

And as the arabs themselves have repeatedly admitted, there is no "palestinian people":
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese.

Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.”

From PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, March 31, 1977
There are 22 muslim nations surrounding Israel in the "arab world" with over 5 million square miles of land and over 340,000,000 people, more than 95% of them muslim.

Israel has only 10,700 square miles of land, including Judea and Samaria, for 7.8 million people, 80% of them Jewish.

Israel is the ONLY Jewish State in the world. There are FIFTY SEVEN MUSLIM CONTROLLED nations in the world, and Jew-haters like the creators of these ads would cut up half of Israel today to create another muslim "nation", whose sole purpose would be to exterminate the entire Jewish state, and then eventually the Jewish people.

There is plenty of vacant current Arab land for the so-called "palestinians" in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia etc, but their fellow arabs have refused them entry since 1948, while in the same time period, Israel has welcomed more than 800,000 Jews who were kicked out the surrounding muslim nations, where the Jews had lived for centuries before the nightmare of islam was even born.

Israel is for the Jews. Get over it.

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WIll Ø Tap Muslim Congressman ("Sharia 4 U.S. Schools!") To Replace Biden?

WIll Ø Tap Muslim Congressman ("Sharia 4 U.S. Schools!") To Replace Biden?

Any trouble viewing the above video (like if it offers to cut off your silly infidel head...), watch it here:

Muslim Congressman: U.S. Schools Should Be Modeled After Madrassas.

That is DEMOCRAT Congressman, Andre Carson (did we mention he is a DEMOCRAT?) from the great state of Indiana.

We think Democrat Congressman Carson, PBUH, should replace Democrat Joe Biden as Democrat Barack Hussein Obama's running mate, don't you?

That way Democrat Pres. Øbowmao can wear his uniform, without feeling.... awkward...

Let us know how you feel.

(Hat tip to Yonatan for the great pic).

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"You're too critical of Obama..."

...Not nice, shouldn't be so disrespectful..."

Really? Where were you from 2000-2008 when untold numbers of death threats were being made against Pres. Bush?

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