
Man Plans, G-d Laughs

Mentsch tracht, Gott lacht.
Also file under "can't make this up."

"Cancun is hosting the U.N. conference on man-made climate change — amid record cold temperatures.."

Image courtesy of the The People's Cube.

Climate-change skeptics are gleefully calling Cancun's weather the latest example of the "Gore Effect" — a plunge in temperature they say occurs wherever former Vice President Al Gore, now a Nobel Prize-winning environmental activist, makes a speech about the climate. Although Gore is not scheduled to speak in Cancun, "it could be that the Gore Effect has announced his secret arrival," jokes former NASA scientist Roy W. Spencer.

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Eat Sabra Hummus (it's good for you), Support the IDF, & Annoy Leftists & Jihadis!

It's a three-fer!

The whiney Left and their jihadi allies are still urging a boycott of Sabra products because Sabra "supports" the Golani and Givati Brigades in Israel.

While they recently failed in their efforts to make Princeton and De Paul University SabraRein, they are still trying to wage an internet marketing war against Sabra and by extension, any company daring to do business in, with or support Israel.

They must be stopped.

Personally I like to make my own hummus, but I have bought Sabra products in the past, and will do so again (and recommend you do so as well) if only to support the IDF and annoy the daylights out of these anti-Israel (and ant-American) supporters of terrorism.

I refuse to give any hits and links to the source of this filth, but if you are medically required to either raise your blood pressure and/or need to force yourself to vomit, then go to a search engine and type in "Sabra Golani" and read the garbage from these supporters of terrorism.

If anything, it may give you a stronger desire to take the next copy of anything by Howard Zinn that you see and beat it's reader over the head with it.

The only other benefit I can see to reading the filth on the Leftist and jihadi websites is if you want to get their goat and leave a comment.

I just so happen to have an an interesting example comment, (cough, cough) right here...
Wow, I will be buying more and more Sabra Hummus now that I know they support the Golani and Gavati Brigades.

Anything that helps keep these boys and girls fit to kill jihadis and defend Israel from the left-wing- supported terrorist scum trying to take over the Judeo–Christian world, I am ALL FOR IT, and I urge EVERYONE to buy MORE SABRA HUMMUS for the same reason!
Remember: it's up to you to crush the twin hydras of jihad and socialism (and what better way to do it than by eating healthy food)!

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“If We Want To Keep Our Nation’s Secrets ‘SECRET,’...

Best Comment on WikiLeaks [From Gov. Huckabee?]:
If we want to keep our nation’s secrets ‘SECRET,’ store them where President Obama stores his college transcripts and birth certificate.
Mike Huckabee, while not perfect, is a very strong supporter of Israel. Here's a comment he made while touring Israel in August of 2009:
...My question is how would the government of the United States feel if Prime Minister Netanyahu began to dictate which people could live in the Bronx, which ones could live in Manhattan, and which could live in Queens'...

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Live to Die [Video] - Watch it Or Be Ignorant.

Hat tip to Flopping Aces.

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Mosque Bloomberg, "Historian"

In a brief slap at NYC Mayor Bloomberg, the NY Post inadvertently exposed Bloomie as a hypocrite.
In a jaw-dropping stab at Americans, Mayor Bloomberg said in Hong Kong, "If you look at the US, you look at who we're electing to Congress, to the Senate, they can't read. I'll bet you a bunch of these people don't have passports . . . Nobody knows where China is."
Back home, the mayor used a crowbar to dislodge the foot in his mouth, but stuck to his Americans-are-idiots mantra.
"It isn't that I said they can't read in a sense they don't understand the words. They don't understand the history."
Too bad Mosque Bloomberg doesn't understand the history of "islam" and geography.

If he had, he would understand that muslims have been building mosques and monuments on or next to the sites of their "victories" for 13 centuries (as they are trying to do with the 9/11 jihadi victory mosque at Ground Zero).

Additionally, he would also know that when the muslims are done with his help, even with his Jihad Pass, all the Bloomberg terminals installed in all of the arab world won't keep them from treating him like just another former useful infidel.

Then again, maybe Bloomberg considers the risk of NYC being attacked again (or getting his head chopped off ) a reasonable business risk given the money he's making all over the Arab middle east.

MB: "Man, look at all these muslims, I could make a fortune off of them; and hey, I can afford my own small army of bodyguards!"

(Hat tip for the image to (and see "Follow The Money" at) Bare Naked Islam).

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Video: KISS honors America's Veterans (turn it up!)

Hat-tip to Liberty Juice.
Take a moment and watch this amazing and exhilarating tribute that Simmons and KISS did for our brave men and women in uniform. This was filmed in Iraq at a USO tour of a US Marine base. What a way to honor our troops and give them a moment to relax, celebrate and have some fun. Thank you Gene Simmons- you are a true patriot!
Nothing more to say, turn up your speakers or headphones, take a deep breath and sing along!

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Palin Post-Election Video / Conservative Recount Alert! — GOOD CANDIDATE NEEDS HELP W/ RECOUNT.

Hat-tip to Gateway Pundit.

This is a good, up-beat video celebrating last Tuesday's victories and reminding us to stay prepared for the next 2 years.

It's especially invigorating if you're from New York or California where you had to suffer voting (and living) in an overwhelmingly Øbamunist state, where most of your candidates were overwhelmed by unions and other brainwashed voters who reflexively pull for "D".

And yes, we have to answer back to the rinos and "moderates" who now "justify" their failure to endorse Angle and O'Donnell which led to their defeats.

But more important today is an ongoing re-count in a vital Congressional race in North Carolina.

Renee Ellmers is a principled conservative, a housewife and a mother (and a surgical IC nurse ) who took on the obnoxious and Øbama-agenda-voting Democrat, Bob Etheridge.

On Election night, she was poised to defeat him and add to the Republican (and Tea Party-inspired) majority in Congress, and now the local Democrat machine is fighting back and forcing a recount.

Election night, after the ten counties in my district had reported their votes, I led Bob Etheridge by 2,100 votes. (That number is crucial because under North Carolina law Congressman Etheridge is not entitled to an ‘automatic recount’ if he trails by more than 1% – or 1,888 votes.)

Then, yesterday afternoon – unexpectedly – the vote totals changed. The State Board of Elections reported my lead had dropped to 1,600 votes. Two hours later Bob Etheridge announced he intended to call for a recount.

As a result, last night my campaign began hiring attorneys – eleven attorneys in all. One in each county to monitor each recount and an attorney to work with the North Carolina State Board of Elections.

Right now, our best estimate of the minimum cost we face is $50,000. But, of course, my campaign spent every penny we had before the election.

Yesterday, we appealed to the National Republican Congressional Committee for support, asking if they could contribute to help pay the costs of this recount. Their answer, unfortunately, was, No – that we would have to raise the money to pay for the recount ourselves.

Read more on this situation by clicking here.

I am out of work and I just contributed, and I urge you to do the same. This is not just about a North Carolina seat. Renee Ellmers understands the issues that affect the entire country:
My opponent Bob Etheridge voted to close Gitmo. I believe that was a mistake. I also support trying terrorists in military courts – instead of putting them on trial in New York City.
and then please click here to donate to her recount fund, and please pass this article on.

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WATCH IN 3 MINUTES: Obama: "I Want Your Money."

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Voting With Some Jewpoint

Every vote for a Democrat is a vote for Obama's policies.

And a vote for Obama's policies is a vote for more of the continued destruction of America (and of Israel).

If you want higher taxes, more unemployment, more foreclosures, more appeasement of jihad, including Obama trying to cut Jerusalem in half and promoting a "9/11 victory mosque" at Ground Zero,

Then go ahead and vote for the

New Yorkers: Watch this 30 second video:
How Andy Cuomo Ignited The Mortgage Meltdown:


"Albany Insider Cuomo" Won't Clean Up Albany"

New Yorkers: Vote Paladino.
(He's not CuomObama).

ALSO FOR NEW YORK VOTERS: Look carefully at your ballot before filling it in. The original instructions printed on the ballot ARE INCORRECT.
Here are the correct instructions:

To ensure that all voters are comfortable and confident using the new voting system, the Board of Elections in the City of New York is placing in every privacy booth at all poll sites, instructions that inform voters that they need to fill in the oval below the candidate name they wish to vote for.
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Pigs Are Flying As We Agree With A Saudi Prince (Al-Waleed Opposes 'Ground Zero Mosque')

(Photo courtesy of etch11)

While I doubt that our agreement will get me a Jihad Pass (and since he's a Saudi we can't be sure that there isn't some double-dealing motive behind this), Israel National News does report that
Saudi Arabia's Prince Al-Waleed announced Thursday that he is not behind the “Ground Zero Mosque” in New York City, and on the contrary, he does not support the project in its current location. The prince spoke to the Arabian Business news website.
Al-Waleed, the much decried Fox News investor, also almost admits that [Fox News host] Greg Gutfield's "plan" to open a muslim-themed gay bar next door to the proposed mosque could also be a problem (be sure and check some of the suggested names for the bar in the "comments" here):

"The mosque has to be in a dignified location. It can't be next to a bar or strip club, or in a neighborhood that is not refined and good,” he explained.
Indeed there is a strip club already on the block, but maybe the "Prince" is more concerned with appearances, now that news of a conviction for a same-sex murder by a member of the so-called "Saudi Royal" family is displacing the typical muslim murder and mayhem that we find in the news every day...

You know what they say:

Quotation, quotation, quotation...

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Well I Should Hope So! "Israel planned explosion at Iranian missile site."

An explosion that killed 18 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard on October 12 was ordered by the Mossad, French newspaper Le Figaro suggested on Monday. Another cause for the blast mentioned by the paper was a targeted Israeli air raid.

Official Iranian reports stated that the explosion occurred after a fire broke out in a weapons depot...
rest here:

I wish they would just get it over with. They had the chance to take out Amanutjob when he was "visiting" Lebanon Hezbullahland last week, that might have been enough to encourage the opposition in Iran to at least kill a few "revolutionary guards" and mullahs...maybe even encourage more defectors and saboteurs...

Perhaps Bibi is waiting till after Ø is weakened / thrown out.

What do you think?

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Even CBS Says Unemployment is Worse Than Obama Admits.

60 Minutes Shock Report: National Unemployed and Underemployed 17.5%; California 22%

In a report sure to cause consternation at the White House and in the offices of the Democratic Leadership in Congress, “60 Minutes” provided an in-depth report on the realities of the unemployment situation in America today...
... According to the report, 1/3 of the unemployed have been out of work for over a year.  This hasn’t happenned since the Great Depression.
Airing one week before the mid-term elections, this report explains better than anything, exactly what is at stake for our country on November 2.
(A hat tip to Breitbart's BigGovernment.com and a little more discussion on this here).
Not sure what to add to this. I think that anyone with any sense knew that the 9-10% numbers were useless; half the shock is that CBS (often and justly derided as SeeBS) actually ran with this story (reportedly free of "it's Bush's fault")  the week before the mid-term elections.

Barring any "November Surprise" from the White House, one can only assume that CBS simply decided to stop reporting as an arm of the DNC.

Some have speculated the Juan Williams firing from NPR is opening some eyes in the NY and West Coast media, that maybe the leftists that the MSM have been following around like puppies have gone too far.
After all, if there really are that many Americans out of work, you can't sell much advertising time for products that no one can buy...

...or even wants...

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What Took Her So Long? Blair's SIL Officially Now A Jihadi.

Allah Crackpot!

As reported in the esteemed (cough, cough) ultra-left wing Londonistan Guardian, Lauren Booth (sister-in-law of former U.K. PM Tony Blair) has only just now made official her anti-Israel and anti-West activism...
...[her recent] Iran trip prompted journalist Lauren Booth to become a Muslim and wear a hijab...Tony Blair's sister-in-law has converted to Islam after having what she describes as a "holy experience" during a visit to Iran.
Journalist and broadcaster Lauren Booth, 43 – Cherie Blair's sister – now wears a hijab whenever she leaves her home, prays five times a day and visits her local mosque whenever she can...
..."It was a Tuesday evening and I sat down and felt this shot of spiritual morphine, just absolute bliss and joy," she said in an interview today.
Well better the morphine, eh, especially when you are about to get your head lopped off, wot?

This moronic journalist, and I apologize to morons everywhere for doubly slandering them by association, this international bimbo already danced with Hamas years ago by by getting "stranded" in Gaza while trying to help the jihadis break the weapons blockade imposed by Israel. 

In other words, she's not just  an idiot, she's an active agent for terrorism.

In case you feel I am being too harsh on this loony-tune, perchance you missed her in 2008 when she declared that "Gaza is a concentration camp on the scale of Darfur."

Here she is shopping in a supermarket in Gaza, while "stranded" by those horrible Israelis (Hat-tip to and photo from "It's Almost Supernatural", an interesting pro-Israel  blog from South Africa):

(Click image to enlarge)

Well that photo proves it, what, Gaza certainly looks like a concentration camp to me...And like Darfur, well yes, there's no food there! Wait...

I'd like to say "case closed" but the temptation to pile on is just too great.

Her Gaza episode is briefly but well documented here, including some lovely pictures of Lauren waltzing through Gaza's "prison" gardens, and gleefully getting her "Hamastan passport" so she could finally leave.

The only thing more we can wish for this fool is, Inshallah, she will drive her new muslim friends completely bonkers before they strap her up with a bomb vest.

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Obama Mumbai Trip: Visiting Hookers, Not Chabad House

According to The Economic Times of India, Obama and Michelle's high-profile trip to Mumbai next week will include "Michelle’s likely visit to Kamathipura, where she will meet commercial sex workers on the invitation of an NGO."

But they won't be visiting the Chabad House in Mumbai, where the Israeli Rabbi and his pregnant wife, along with 2 Americans, were slaughtered by Pockeestahni muslims.

Pockeestahn, you will recall is where Obama traveled in 1981 as part of his training as a foreign policy genius.

/sarcasm off.

One can only presume that Obama has such a spiritual connection with islam (and Michelle has such a connection with hookers) that they feel it would be inappropriate to visit the site where so much Jewish blood was spilled by
whores for allah...

Also as reported above, along with booking the entire 570 room-Taj Majal Hotel,
"The President will be accompanied by his chefs, not because he would not like to savour Indian cuisine, but to ensure his food is not spiked."

Visiting the site of the Chabad massacre in Mubai would also probably spoil their appetite.

Allah snackbar, Øbowmao...

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Video of Juan Williams: A Short Right Uppercut To The Jaw of NPR.

Hat tip to LibNot for the short, concise and hardhitting video below. They also have an additional interview of Juan Williams on GMA, viewable here

Those not new to a right-of-center Jewpoint know that NPR has long been known as National Palestinian Radio for their relentlesss campaign of lies and disinformation about Israel.

Anyone who listens to them even casually (I'll only admit to tuning into NPR accidentally) also knows of their contempt for anything and anyone in America that doesn't line up with their marxist point of view.

It will be interesting to see whether Williams continues to target NPR (and the leftist media in general) for their ruthless hostility to any Black American who strays off the Democrat's plantation.


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Many in U.S. Fed Up w/ NY Times' Tommy Friedman re Israel.

Fine, fine, so here is real headline from the Jerusalem Post:
NY Times Friedman says many in US 'fed up' with Israel.

"This is how little I care whether Israel is exterminated 
because what I write encourages arabs to kill Jews." 
Picture: AP; Caption: Jewpoint

My "translation" follows of what they should have been saying about that first class putz, who would probably push the button for Iran if they paid him enough:
Columnist contends parrots the pro-muslim and marxist lie that Americans no longer care about Israeli-Palestinian conflict and this could eventually hopes that his bleating will hurt Israel's national security interests and gain him a Jihad Pass...
... Friedman added that he believes Israel is not doing the utmost to promote renewed peace talks with to commit national suicide and hand over their country to the so-called Palestinians. Friedman derided Israel's calls for the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish State in exchange for a renewed freeze on construction in the settlements that could revive peace talks. He jokingly said that Israel is asking for "Abu Mazen [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas] to sing Hatikva [Israel's national anthem] in a perfect Yiddish accent."
Hey Tommy, you intellectual fraud, Israel isn't asking Abbas to pledge allegiance to Israel, only to recognize Israel as Jewish the same way that kapos like YOU damand that Israel and America recognize "Palestine" as MUSLIM with, control of half of Jerusalem including the Temple Mount.

You've heard of the Temple Mount, haven't you Tommy? That space on top of the Western Wall where THE HOLY TEMPLE has been squashed by some ugly mosque where your friends go to plan more jihad against non-muslims?

And while we're on the subject of accents, Tommy, are you still holding a grudge that Kristoff got the scoop on Obama's great Arabic accent * when... 
"...Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it'll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset."
* (PDF of the article is here, see page 4 for the quote)

This American is fed up with jihad-appeasing dhimmiecrats like Thomas Friedman, the obmanunist sycophant for Abbas and arab jihad against America and Israel.

Friedman's a fake Jew, he's a fake American, he has NO solutions for America's or Israel's problems unless they cause pain, suffering and death for anyone who supports the Judeo-Christian West.

All responsible people should shun this man and the media outlets that run him. Let him go work for Al jazeera where he belongs. As far as we're concerned, he's just another islamo-marxist with a fat mouth.


Great cast, great production values, and a great message!

Call Me Senator from RightChange on Vimeo.

Be sure and click a share button below to pass this on to other voters in California.

Remember, November 2nd: Take Out The Trash.


Watch the insanity at the Geert Wilders trial (with English subtitles).

This excerpt from the Wilders "trial" in the Netherlands is a taste of what we'll have here in the U.S. if we don't stop the Dhimmiecrats this November.

That Wilders was even brought to trial (for simply showing the cause and effect of koran and islamic violence) is a disgrace, and is part of the same mindset that Øbowmao, AG Holder and DHS chief Janet Incompitano are pushing here in the U.S. when they insist we can't call it "islamic terrorism".

For additional absurdity and for more info, click here to watch the Python excerpt ridiculing a similar "trial".

(It's no coincidence that Britain is even further down the ladder on abject, politically correct slavishness to "islam").


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Here's your "moderate islam" in America.

Where's Abe Foxman? Upset that it took a Christian cable new network to expose this?

Be sure and watch the entire video, where this "Professor" threatens Jews with death if they don't leave Israel, and be sure and hear where he calls not only for the expulsion of Jews from the "settlements" but also from TEL AVIV.

BONUS POINTS: "Professor" Siddique calls for another "Saladin" knowing full well the relationship between Saladin and the Jews (and all non-muslims). Do YOU?

Newbusters, 10/20/10


SANITY IN AMSTERDAM! Wilders Not Guilty on All Counts!

Gefeliciteerd / Congratulations!

Geert Wilders Press Conference at the Hotel Palatino
in Rome on February 19, 2009 photo via Topnews.in
Wilders Not Guilty on All Counts - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online
Dutch News reports:
The public prosecution department on Friday afternoon stated that Geert Wilders is not guilty of discriminating against Muslims. Earlier on Friday it announced he should also be found not guilty of inciting hatred.
Prosecutors Birgit van Roessel and Paul Velleman reached their conclusions after a careful reading of interviews with and articles by the anti-Islam politician and a viewing of his anti-Koran film Fitna.
Click the link above for more details. Continue below to hear Geert Wilders speak at Ground Zero, and see the movie Fitna below:

Movie courtesy of (and click for more at) KitmanTV.

Would that we had more men and women of Geert Wilders' stature in Europe, and here in the U.S.

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Compare and Contrast (Truman vs Obama).

(Click image to enlarge)

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